Tim Warneford is once again out and about now lockdown is easing – travelling and recording with all social distancing in mind of course - to speak to Kevin Yardley at The Generations Multi Academy Trust. Kevin is director of income generation and his role is to ensure the estates facilities yield substantial revenue streams through optimising letting opportunities and via external partnerships.
On this episode we cover:
The impact of Covid 19
Being lucky that the trust is financially secure
But still being hit hard
Main priority being protecting customer base
Kevin’s background as a lawyer, criminal barrister and swimming coach!
Working in the London 2012 Olympics
Going as far as possible to deliver value for the client
Navigating the 2008 financial crisis
His son helping him get his current job
Generating school income to academic vision
The holistic benefits to the school and community
Organisational attitude being key to raising capital
Setting about a cultural change in conjunction with the teachers
Bringing in a new booking system
Opening the hall as a venue for large family events (including a wedding)
Bringing new community groups into the school
Looking at pop up restaurants and dinner clubs
Hosting South African swing band nights
Being part of a very inclusive decision making process
Consistently recruiting and retaining outstanding teachers
Upgrading to a 3G sports pitch leading to a lot of opportunities
Being proud to partner with Tottenham Hotspur
Being the premier site for Spurs’ women and girls team
The trustees demanding a very high quality of work
Measuring any risk in business plans
Engaging closely with County Sports Partnership and Sports England
Negotiating with SFE and Dept of Education
Primary purpose is always to deliver a fantastic educational service
Secondary purpose is to generate income
Using external consultant to support projects
Upgrading to LED energy efficient units
Having a CFO and Estates Manager meaning meticulous management
Taking time to building and maintain relationships with customers
Government funding announcements having a level of duplicity
Every child needing a fair funding structure
Wishing to leaving a physical legacy of improved facilities at each of the schools he works with, each school to be financially secure and increased community engagement in sport and other activities
The sporting quote that drives him
Delivering free school meals during the summer holidays
Being confident about working their way out of the Covid crisis