Episode 9 continues to explore school exclusions, looking at disproportionately and racism in the education system. This episode features Kitan Ososami a youth advocacy worker from BLAM (Black, Learning, Achievement & Mental Health), which aims to support the social inclusion of the Black British community by championing Black British culture and ensuring that education is more diverse.
BLAM has a range of support services:
Grounded Project: KS2/3 school-based project teaching Black history.
Rooted Project: Summer school teaching Black history to KS2/3.
Zuri therapy: racial wellness therapy workshops and a range of free virtual group sessions for Black British people.
School Exclusions appeal service: education advocacy service for young Black British students facing school exclusion.
BLAM's services and position on school exclusions
Windrush generation
Racist stereotyping
Discrimination in punishment
UK curriculum too Eurocentric
Education a microcosm for wider systemic racism
Lack of diverse staff
Transformative Justice ApproachBLAM's website with more details about services: https://blamuk.org/
Articles/TV series/podcasts referenced in the episode:
Small Axe series Steve McQueen: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p08vxt33/small-axe
The Windrush generation: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43782241
Runnymede report 'Race and Racism in English Secondary schools' https://www.runnymedetrust.org/uploads/publications/pdfs/Runnymede%20Secondary%20Schools%20report%20FINAL.pdf
Glasgow the Nurture Programme https://truevisiontv.com/films/details/58/the-nurture-roomOrganisations referenced in this episode:
The Prosperity Consultancy project: https://www.tprosperityproject.com/who-we-are
Frontline https://thefrontline.org.uk/why-we-are-here/
Just For Kids Law https://www.justforkidslaw.org/what-we-do/fighting-change/campaigning/school-exclusions
Insitute of Race Relations https://irr.org.uk/resources/