According to Abraham Hicks, 11:11 is the UNIverse knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment. 11:11 is the UNIverse's way of urging InI to pay attention to InI heart, InI soul and InI inner intuition. 11:11 serves as a wake up call to InI so that opportunities are not missed in this lifetime. Uncle Mose and I have had this convo for like 20 years, dating back to our I.C. College Street days. I see it constantly--on the cable box clock, the phone, the microwave... 11:11 just so happens to be the birth month and birth date of the Incomparable Beverly Cleo Senter. I miss you and love you bunches, Grandma! I have been in a serious funk since June 14, 2017 and I am glad that I have finally mustered up the strength to get this mf'er uploaded. PEACE