Ideal Self:
The ideal self is the part of a person’s self-concept that consists of their desires, hopes, and wishes
(Higgins 1987; Rogers 1959).
It is a part of the self that is highly prized by the individual; thus, the ideal self is considered to be a motivator within a person’s self-concept (Higgins 1987; Rogers 1959).
Ideal self makes us to admire people who have qualities that we want to imbibe.
The people whom we admire are sometimes our role models or inspirations.
I call it the reference points.
In the digital world where people maintain multiple avatars / persona (one real and one reel (Mostly Digital or whom the person project as to the external world) ), selecting the right reference points does all magic. Having the right reference points helps you to accelerate and gets closer to your goals and dreams faster.
Having said that, it is also primarily important to dwell deep inside you and find what kind of personality you are, what motivates you and what unique qualities we have. I say that as the primary differentiator. We do not have time to appreciate ourself. I would request you to spend some ME TIME for yourself and list down your unique differentiators. There is definitely something that differentiates you. Find that out and appreciate it. What we appreciate, that grows. End of the day, we have to at-least satisfy ourself to be with peace with oneself. End of the day, it is what you think about yourself and not about what the external world thinks about you. The entire world is the extension of you and what you see in the external world is the summation of your thoughts and what you have attracted.
Take some time and list some 10-20 points that differentiates you.
Appreciate it and see how life changes.
Here's my list, that I appreciate:
1. Spreading love and hope
2. Fast learning
3. Speed of Implementation
4. My unique style of doing things
5. Being straight and Saying NO
6. Keeping up with the commitments
7. Genuinely listening
8. Thinking the best for others
9. Possibility thinking
10. Being honest with the self
11. Creativity
12. Clear understanding on "We are just tools and universe acts through us"
13. Responsible husband and inspiring father
14. Being grounded
15. Practical thinking
Be the new you. Let the new you astonish you !!
Love and more Love,
Digital Lifestyle Monk
#AstonishYourself #21dayschallenge #21DCCommunity #DigitalLifestyleMonk