This is the second show in a two-parter recorded at the Las Vegas Convention Center and features a discussion between myself and vlogger, podcaster and journalist Peter Haddock of Content with Media.
If you haven’t heard the first episode, I strongly urge you to go back and give it a listen.
I have known Peter for many years. So when we sat down to record this episode, I wanted to discuss a growing feeling of guilt that I was experiencing about my presence at the show.
There are hundreds of thousands of operators out there that are far more qualified to judge new machines. And yet here I was, strolling around Las Vegas, staying at a nice hotel, filling my suitcase with branded swag when others far more deserving might never get to enjoy that same level of privilege and access.
In addition, both Peter and I spend our every waking hour talking about the need to reduce emissions and make the construction industry cleaner. Yet, here we are, jetting halfway around the world and expanding our carbon footprint, just to report on a bunch of diggers.
So I started by asking Peter if he felt the same degree of guilt that I was experiencing.