Today’s episode 026 of the Digital 100 show, which is all about dealing with the many challenges you encounter when building your digital business, start-up, etc. A recent podcast by Jocko Willink & Joe Rogan really connected with me, and made me realize how many of you are avoiding the pains of building your digital business or making video content. Jocko Willink Podcast Joe Rogan Podcast The reality is we focus too much on the goal or big happy moment and don’t spend enough realizing that acheivement and struggle are the markers of progress in business & life. So avoid these challenges & struggles doesn’t give you happiness – going thru them does. As my mentor would say, “Become a millionaire not for the money but for what it will of you to achieve it.” (Jim Rohn) We need to flip the script on life and realize you only level up in the game but dealing head on with your problems, challenges, issues, lack of knowledge/ money, etc. Avoid doesn’t help us get there, battling thru it, coming thru it is what changes you into someone else – this is where you level up in the game of […]