Welcome to Series 6 of the BIM Academy Digital Climate Podcast with new series host and BIM Academy Managing Director, Dr Graham Kelly. Graham leads on the strategic implementation of digital transformation for global clients, and is known for his expertise in combining technology, digital thinking and innovation for maximum business performance.
In this podcast series, Graham has invited guests who are also innovators and pioneers in their field. With a series title, “Don’t fear the future”, Graham and his guests will focus on future thinking, and looking ahead to technology solutions that will help fight climate change. Without taking away from the human element - people are driving the future of technology, not the other way round!
Graham’s first guest is Mark Shayler, thinker, doer, creator, speaker, author and owner of Ape, helping big companies think small and small companies think big.
In this episode Graham and Mark discuss the challenges faced in the construction industry from climate change and what a utopian future of sustainable construction could really look like!