This weeks guest on "Digital Families" Podcast is Claire Eaton, a speaker, youth coach and author of four books for teens, “ROC and RISE” “You are awesome”, “Hello High School” and its companion Planner.
In this weeks podcast we talk about Claires focus on helping children, particularly with the transition from primary to high school with Resilience, Optimism, and Confidence. These are traits that we often hear about being necessary in our children, particularly when it comes to dealing with the online world. Whether its resilience to online bullying and misunderstandings, optimism, in regard to the way they choose what they take in online, not falling into a negative pessimistic algorithm on TikTok or Instagram. And confidence to make good choices and be self assured as they navigate their way through this world. Traits that might seem impossible in the covid, environmental hazardous world we live in. How do we help our children to develop these attitudes with all they are living through and exposed to online?
I have a set of books to give away to one lucky listener that include "Roc And Rise" her book for teenagers to help them reach the Goals of ROC, "You Are Awesome" a collection of thoughts and memories celebrating YOU! for children to hear how others feel about them. "Hello High School" a helpful book for year 7 students that comes with a yearly Planner for the first year of school to help children sort out their thoughts during what can be a confusing adjustment to High School. Listen through the podcast to find out the code to quote in your contact with me, either via this website or a PM on my Facebook Page.