We have a very special guest joining us for episode 4 of the Digital Pond, dot.com entrepreneur and founder of PinkNews Benjamin Cohen.
Benjamin has had an incredible career and professional journey, from creating a Jewish-based social network as a teenager, through to legal disputes with Apple, working as a technology corresponded for Channel 4 News, and finally founding the massively popular LGBT publication PinkNews.
During our chat with Benjamin, we discussed his journey as an entrepreneur, how serendipity has shaped his career and why digital publishers are still at the mercy of tech giants.
During our conversation on the various challenges he's faced during his career, Benjamin touched upon living with multiple sclerosis. Following his diagnoses, Benjamin has become a leading voice in raising awareness of MS and advocating for improved disability rights - he's also a member of the board of directors for Humanity and Inclusion.
This podcast was recorded during MS Awareness Week 2021. For more information please visit mssociety.org.uk