“Dirty Talk” is a sex and romance podcast hosted by Chapman Croskell and Tatiana Parafiniuk-Talesnick. On the show, Chapman and Tati share personal experiences, discuss feminist theories and interview professionals to gain a better understanding of the realm of relationships.
On this episode of Dirty Talk, Chapman and Tati talk about hookup culture, rape culture, and where they intersect with special guest Erin. They also interview Marie Harding from the Women and Gender Advocacy Center about consent.
Questions? Comments? Email [email protected]. Or find Chapman and Tati on Twitter: @Nescwick and @TatianaSophiaPT.
CONTENT WARNING: This episode discusses rape and sexual assault.
Sources for this episode:
NPR – The unspoken rules of sex on college campuses
The New Yorker – Cat Person
Everyday Feminism – 25 Examples of Rape Culture
25 Everyday Examples of Rape Culture
Music produced by Joshua Horner.
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