Welcome to DISCAST Episode 2! On this episode we share our February Tech Innovators of the Month and chat with our very special guest, our current Teacher of the Year, Ms. Jenny Leckey! Ms. Leckey shared some great resources, tools, and experiences with Podcasting! Listen to this episode if you're interested in getting started with Podcasting in your classroom!
Take a listen (and look) to the DISCAST! The Digital Integration Specialists are proud to present the second episode of the DISCAST, about all things #EdTech and #HCSPDL. Check out our interview with HCS Teacher of the Year, Jenny Leckey, and how she does #Podcasting with her students.
You can also subscribe in Apple Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/discast-the-world-of-ed-tech/id1451635921?mt=2
Click on a time code to jump to a point in the video:
1:28 Tech Innovators of the Month announcements
1:55 Nominate the next Tech Innovator here: https://bit.ly/2Eni8Ar
2:10 Audio Recording tools like Audacity: https://bit.ly/2EeMQaP, Beautiful Audio Editor: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/beautiful-audio-editor/okiblndpcefmebnkjnjfplijnelbcjmm?hl=en
Garageband: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/garageband/id408709785?mt=8
2:55 - Interview with HCS Teacher of the Year: Jenny Leckey (@Leckeythetechie) https://twitter.com/leckeythetechie
7:45 - How to get started with Podcasting in your classroom like using Padlet: https://youtu.be/_dRr8FOY5p0
9:30 - Leckey the Techy’s How to do Podcasting: http://www.leckeythetechie.com/podcasting-101.html
11:44 - Bo & Grady ask Jenny Leckey additional questions
12:15 - Students for Change: Ms. Leckey’s class podcast on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/students-for-change-english-i-legal-reform-podcast/id1391782216?mt=2
DISCAST Episode 2 Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PrcnRH6mIs151VDGnr1bcCS92s8zbu5U7u8kZsIHtrI/edit?usp=sharing
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