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Eric 0:00Now in today's episode, you're going to get to listen in as I got to sit down and have a conversation with Sue Coyne at Studio East Salon. Sue's amazing she's been in business in this area for a while huge supporter of the community does an awful lot. And it was just so much fun to talk to her and, and hear about her, her business and the things that she enjoys to do all around Ocean View. So with that, let's go ahead and jump into the episode. If you want to find any links to anything that su brings up or anything we talk about, head over to ocean view.biz/014. Again, that's ocean view.biz/014. For the Episode Notes of today's podcast, thanks a lot.
Eric 1:27Right now I am sitting inside studio East. Did I get that right Sue?
Sue 1:32Yes, yes, sir.
Eric 1:33Okay, good. I just want to make sure I got that. We're here on a Monday. It is cleaning day.
Sue 1:39Yes.
Eric 1:39Yeah. So we might hear some background noise of cleaning. That's okay. And you were telling me as I came in that cleaning day is something that's kind of come up through the whole pandemic, right?
Sue 1:50We were open seven days a week and then after the closed down mandatory closed down a salons, when we reopened, I kept Monday's close so that we would have a day that we could do deep cleaning.
Eric 2:02Yeah. Nice. All right, cool. Well, hey, this we're not here to talk about, you know, pandemic stuff, things like that. We're talking about DiscoverOV. But so I'm just kind of curious, I have no idea. And so I'm looking forward to hearing. How did you end up in Ocean View here for your business?
Sue 2:19Well, I worked downtown again for 18 years, and I had been watching the growth. I live right around the block. I was watching the growth happen in a speech and they had the homearama there the first homearama. And I said to my husband, you know, there's no salons around here. I think that we need a really good salon. And he said, Well, you should do it. And in 2006 we did it.
Eric 2:43There you go. Yeah. Now I learned when I came in here, you actually have two sides. But when you started you started with the one right.
Sue 2:50We one side I was gonna say a very small neighborhood salon. And within two years of opening, people were climbing all over each other. So we took the storefront right next to us and divided up to the spa side and the hair side.
Eric 3:06Alright. Now how many people did you when you started? How many people did Jeff working for you?
Sue 3:11There were five of us.
Eric 3:12Five of you. Yeah, but and then before pre pandemic, you were up? You told me you were up to...
Sue 3:1626
Eric 3:17Yeah, that's amazing and even right now,
Sue 3:19Right now we're 19
Eric 3:2119. That's fantastic. That's growth. That's 26, 19. That's, that's pretty that's you're a significant employer in this area. That's really kind of cool. So. So tell me, what's a project right now that you're working on with the salon that you're excited about?
Sue 3:38Okay, we are going to get all new furniture in here. And so I'm shopping for new hair stations and chairs, new manicured tables, we have new pedicures spas already. And so we're just trying to make the right decision before we get it all brought in. And if anyone knows anything these days, it takes a long time to get stuff shipped.
Eric 3:59It does. Yeah, supplies are, but it's looking great. You told me the floors new?
Sue 4:0415 years anniversary was in April. So this is our 15 year gift to our community.
Eric 4:10Oh, wow. That's really great. Now we're sitting here also by i think i don't think it's right for us to have a podcast interview and not mention you have your mascot sitting here. Besides you.
Sue 4:21My mascot is a Christmas cactus that anyone that comes to Studio East is aware that this cactus blooms at least three times a year and never around Christmas. It's huge. I've had it for 17 years and I keep thinking I should take it out it's too big.