This week we move south to the Kingdom of Judah, with the first Minor Prophet to preach from there: Micah. Micah is supremely concerned with the social injustices that occurred under the reigns of Kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, and indicts primarily the elites, politicians, and pastors/priests of Judah. But, within the fair and exciting calls for social justice, there is also a message of hope: hope for forgiveness for any and all, that we might be restored to God.
So if you have ever felt you didn't deserve God's forgiveness, or that you somehow need to earn it, or that God will not accept you back until you have proven how sorry you are and done proper penance, our hope is that Micah can bring you some comfort today.
Additionally, Micah will also challenge us on where our cares lie, on whether or not we are taking advantage of God's forgiveness and failing to walk obediently in humility with God.