On a special DevOpsDays-edition episode of the podcast, Chris Knotts is joined by his fellow DevOpsDays Raleigh 2018 organizers Ann Maire Fred (IBM) and Jason Hibbits (Redhat), and they have a lively discussion on what makes a great DevOpsDays talk. The trio also gives advice on how to bring a DevOpsDays event to your city.
Topics covered include:• What makes a great DevOpsDays Ignite?• What makes a great DevOpsDays Keynote?• Tips for avoiding giving a bad presentation.• What are they looking for in talks for DevOpsDays Raleigh?
Links to presentations discussed in the podcast:Ignite Talk: Genetic Sequence Analysis using AWS Batch - Matt Lavinyoutu.be/bZ7qw3nIr7U
Embracing New Technology; How to Damage Trust, Increase Stress, and Create Worry - Chris Collinsyoutu.be/IF034fDcf0w