This is the first in a new series of podcasts that talks in a slightly more technically manner about chatbot/ voicebot production, as well as development projects and everything in between.
Introducing Dave Antwis our technical lead, who can offer a more technical standpoint as the series progresses.
The first one is a soft start talking about the pros and cons of building your own chatbots, how you can keep ownership and improve skills internally whilst still having a good product and experience in the end.
We touch on CRM build in chatbots and where they sit in the landscape.
Find out about chatbots here
- Perceived as Cheaper
- Control if skilled
- Building skills internally
- Adhere to business ownership policies
- Not skilled
- Poor experience
- Not utilising all features of a platform
- Scoping challenges
- Lots of time lost internally – resource issues
- We could build it – but transfer knowledge to team
- Control to specific stakeholders in the team
- Much better experience from day one
- Less internal resource needed
- Options to integrate into the business with dev support
Our latest series of podcasts, concentrates on voice and how that is going to impact the next few years with tips along the way. Find out more about voicebots here and if you have any subjects that you would like us to discuss then email [email protected] with the subject Podcast and we will see what we can do ;-)