Telecom carriers and their role in cloud.
For last 20 years, it is fair to say that continuous technical transformation and information waves have driven a high level of growth in the telecom industry.
However, where find ourselves in a situation where the telecoms industry is facing a series of challenges.
Connectivity is capturing a smaller proportion of the information value chain while content, service, and products capture more. I don’t think it is that much of a bold prediction to see that that one or more major telecom companies could be acquired by a content company within the next 3 – 4 years.
Further, trends such as IoT and mobile are adding billions of new connected data sources globally every year – with that comes an astronomical growth in data volumes.
Telecoms companies are also in the heart of the security challenge.
As custodians of the networks, carriers play a pivotal role in fighting the new threats that are emerging.