"Back to the 2010's" is an incredible mix curated by the talented DJ Pdogg that takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the iconic hits of the previous decade. This captivating blend showcases some of the best of the 2010s, featuring a collection of chart-topping songs across various genres including pop, hip-hop, Dance, and more. DJ Pdogg expertly weaves these memorable tracks together, creating a seamless flow that will transport you back to the golden era of music. With infectious hooks, catchy melodies, and lyrics that defined a generation, "Back to the 2010's" is a perfect fusion of nostalgia and contemporary vibes. Whether you were a partygoer, a music enthusiast, or simply enjoyed the popular hits of the time, this mix is a must-listen. DJ Pdogg's masterful mixing skills bring these beloved songs to life, allowing you to relive the magic and excitement of the 2010s all over again. Get ready to groove, sing along, and experience the ultimate throwback with "Back to the 2010's".