The second in a four-episode set, "Freefall" follows "Escape" in style but not necessarily in theme. This is another mainstream house set you all seem to love so much; and while the music may be upbeat and happy, if you pay attention to the lyrics, you might notice what they have in common.
There are some definite big hits rolling around in here: Adele's "Rolling In the Deep," Gaga's "Judas," Alex Gaudino's "What a Feeling" (which is sure to be a summer anthem), as well as new songs from Kylie Minogue and Robyn -- both of whom have rocketed into the consciousness of clubbers in the last year, despite their long careers as singers.
I'm also really happy to toss in a few songs with male vocals; there's not enough male vocal in the club scene these days -- then again, it's always been about the divas -- so when good songs pop up with a male vocalist at the helm, I take notice. Pay special attention to "Without You," "Not Getting Any Better," and "Beautiful World," to hear what I'm talking about.
Finally, this set ends on a bit of a darker note, musically speaking. It's a foreshadow of what's to come next, but I don't want to ruin the surprise by telling you too much. I will give you a hint though: What comes after the freefall?
Fire up the MP3 player, put on your dancing shoes, and remember to close your eyes, becuase, after all, "if you close your eyes, it's a beautiful world."
When your world is spinning, and everything seems out of control, it can feel like you're locked in a "Freefall."