This Podcast Show is all about who are you?
Are you an Indigo Child, Starseed, Rainbow child, Arcturian, Pleiades Starseed or are you a Melchizedek being here on earth.
All this beings are powerful sources of the light sent here to help with what the earth and its occupance are experiencing in the here and now!
My podcast is enlightening the fact there is different beings of light coming to earth to help lift its consciousness and vibration to help rid this plane of lower vibrational energies and forces.
Because as a collective this makes us untouchable on the earth plane. And it raises the vibration of the earth as a whole, which helps repel negative energy being projected to earth.
Archangel Michael helps with this all the time normally. But it helps ourselves if collectively we are shining out into the universe, It makes those energies harder to reach us here on the earth.
I do not mention the Melchizedek beings really in this episode which Archangel Michael has just reminded me. So I need to say they are Angels than come down here in the form of a physical man or women. There is 5 on our planet just now I am told by one of them I am privileged to know.
Jesus Christ was also a Melchizedek being of his time.