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By Lone Star AC Church
11 ratings
The podcast currently has 13 episodes available.
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On this Communion Sunday, Preacher Don shared personal stories and scripture to show how being included is an important part of who we are. We all need to feel like we are a part of something, and it's important that we share our lives with one another.
Preacher Don covered several different topics in this sermon, but after leading the congregation in "The Old Rugged Cross", he shared about guilt-proneness. This is defined as a person's tendency to anticipate feeling guilty, which often keeps him/her from acting in ways that will lead to guilt. He shared personal stories and referenced John 8 to show how we learn from our guilt; that we should "go and sin no more".
More to come.
Details to come.
Walking us through several different verses in 2 Kings chapters 2-4, Preacher Don talks about how God will often put us into an area of the unknown, a little bit beyond the normal, to accomplish the impossible. When we find ourselves in a place where we don't know what to do, we are in the best place for God to arrive on the scene and show us what He can do.
Preacher Don sang the song "Who am I" before this service. He goes through the story of the origins of that song and how it touched people's lives. He also goes through the story from Mark about Jesus healing the man with a withered hand.
Preacher Don calls us to be a diverse church, and that God may call us to go places we don't want to go.
Preacher Don reminds us that there are many people out there that are hurting and lonely. This was also the week that Gabe received his certificate of baptism.
This sermon was spoken on Mothers Day in 2018. Preacher Don provided us with a "Four point Sermon" that reminded us that Jesus will come down to where we are, and that He was a people person. This was also the service that Gabe gave Preacher Don a note that he wanted to be baptized.
The podcast currently has 13 episodes available.