The Four Elements of Healing and Self-Care help display the elemental nature of inner work and personal energy management. Pain and trauma are key components that must be addressed in order to truly bring your elements into the Harmony, Unity and Balance (H.U.B.) that they thrive in.
In this episode, Gabriel illustrates how the four elements that make up this world are also inside of us. The constructing, moving and breaking down of the Fire, Earth, Air and Water elements have direct correlation to our passions, behaviors, thoughts and emotions.
Gabriel has also taken the time to author a book outlining many of the topics discussed in this episode to help you begin to take a journey within to discover how to truly become one with your elements. The book, also entitled 'The Four Elements of Healing & Self-Care,' includes several dynamic BOS meditations that will equip you with some simple tools that will assist on the journey of healing and caring for your inner elements. Let's take a deep dive and discover an approach that is as timeless as the elements. See you soon BOS!
You can access the book (digital copy or paperback) at:
Connect with Gabriel via social media at:
@gabrielthamessenger (Facebook + Instagram + Youtube + TikTok)
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