Since the world changed in March 2020, our Economic Snapshot has been designed to help you make better business decisions. As the Coronavirus Recession evolves, we are changing these updates from Weekly to Monthly - more signal, less noise, and more time for our channel to support and guide on other aspects of your business.
In this week's Episode, we start with our weekly Economic Snapshot (05:33 minutes) reviewing Active COVID-19 Cases, Sharemarket movements, New US Unemployment Data, and Updated UK GDP figures for the March Quarter.
THEN we dive into a deeper exploration of Economic Indicators and how they can help your small or medium business.
See the list below for ALL the Economic Indicators we researched, and then back-tested against four actual businesses going through the Coronavirus Recession with you.
Which ones did we find were helpful? Not nearly as many as you might think. It turns out the nightly news (and yes, even Don't Waste a Good Recession's weekly snapshots) are nowhere near as helpful as the Lead Indicators, Current Indicators, and Lag Indicators that are tailored to your country, your industry, and are actually created from your business.
So see below as well for the fundamental business benchmark indicators I recommend every business owner begin tracking - to help improve communication, and make better business decisions in the only moment that truly matters, the present point of power.
So our Podcast (please Like and Subscribe) will shift from Weekly to Monthly Economic Snapshots. Allowing our Weekly episodes to dive deeper on other aspects of your business that really matter (and which my IRL clients are benefiting from right now).
Coronavirus Recession Economic Indicators we Reviewed
* COVID-19 New Cases
* Leading Economic Index
* Stock Markets
* Bond Yield Curve (2 yr v 10 yr)
* Oxford Lockdown Index
* German Ifo
* Manufacturing PMI
* China Manufacturing PMI
* Brazil Exports
* COVID-19 Active Cases
* Consumer Confidence
* Business Confidence
* Google Trends (Recovery v Recession)
* Policy Uncertainty Index
* VIX Uncertainty
* Johnson Redbook Index Same Store Sales
* Open Table Restaurant Bookings
* Unemployment Rates
* Underemployment / Underutilization
* Total GDP
* Quarterly GDP Growth
* South Korea Exports
Benchmark Business Indicators for SMEs during the Coronavirus Recession
* Enquiries
* Sales Opportunities
* Pipeline Value
* Quick Ratio
* Cash on Hand / At Bank
* Conversion Rate %
* Churn Rate %
* Any of the above by Business Unit / Department / Product / Team
* Work in Progress (WIP)
* Daily Billings $
* Revenue Change %
* Gross Profit Margin %
* Debtors $
* Debtor Days
* Inventory $
Your usual Monthly Management Financials:
* Revenue
* Margin
* Valuation
* Break Even
* Cash Flow
* Balance Sheet
* Changes to P&L
* Changes to Balance Sheet
For more information, visit