A magical audio-story, created to launch a sustainable food project.
In this chapter Minerva steps through the magical orange doorway, explores the Wild Area and meets the tyre-swingers. Everyone receives a visit from a giant, and then they plan a special event...
This story has been created for London Climate Action Week during a global pandemic. It is inspired by zoom meetings and by a belief that despite everything there is much hope and magic. The story launches a sustainable food project between two groups of young people: Year 7 students at Glebe School, an SEN school in the London Borough of Bromley and young people in a refuge on the outskirts of Lima, Peru.
students in both places (initially Glebe, later Lima) will trial their school food project
their feedback will be presented monthly by 'Minerva' and 'Edmund' in the form of a new episode of the magical orange doorway
at the same time, a blog will be written (hosted by Semble) discussing 'learnings' from experts in the field
the project will continue for 12 months and will report its findings to COP26
The project has two parallel journeys:
A school based case study based around sustainable food, language, culture, and place. It is part of a wider school project called Proyecto Peru
A working group of experts that will advise, critique and support the schools based on their own expertise in education, sustainable food, language, culture, and place
The voice of Edmund and the narration are by Martin Crabbe, Head of Geography at Glebe School. Martin was inspired to write this story by the grandmother of Martin Allen Morales , by the Wild Area and by so many other things!
The voice of Minerva is played by Leydis Vollar, Head of Modern Foreign Languages at Glebe School. Leydis will also translate each episode of the story into Spanish for our friends in Peru.
People who are about to become involved...
Mark McKillop, Head of RE, Glebe School
Martin Allen Morales - advisor, inspiration
The young people of Glebe and in the refuge in Lima
Many other experts as we continue.
And if this magical story inspires you why not get involved from your own perspective? And tell us how you get on.
Start your school's journey into sustainability:
Outdoor Classroom Day (https://outdoorclassroomday.com/)
Eco-Schools (https://www.eco-schools.org.uk/)
London National Park City (https://www.nationalparkcity.london/get-more-involved/get-more-involved-1/schools-network)
Great resources at Transform Our World (https://www.transform-our-world.org/)
Find out more about London Sustainable Schools Forum (http://www.londonsustainableschools.org/)
This podcast was produced by The Pod Farm. (https://www.thepodfarm.com/)