After working on the 2014 feature film, "Kajaki," Phoebe Katis has launched off her career as a singer-songwriter in a fresh new way. Based in the U.K., Katis has two full-length albums that embody heartfelt stories and accentuate her jazz style through the way she sings and plays. Her most recent album, "It's Ok to Cry," features a group of humble, but compassionate songs encompassing her journey as an independent musician while delivering a level of transparency about her personal hardships.
Katis worked with Cory Wong, a profound guitar player from the sounds of Vulfpeck, on producing this album. The two had played previously side-by-side when Wong headlined a tour for his album, "Motivational Music for the Syncopated Soul."
Katis is donating all proceeds of her merch from her Bandcamp for the next month to "Black Minds Matter," a charity fund dedicated to making mental health topics relevant and accessible for all black people in the U.K.
With Katis' plans to move to Nashville, TN, it will be interesting to see how she will continue to work with the Wong crew and her other industry friends to target a new fanbase found within the states.
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