The Desire of Ages is a proven source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. And with good reason, for it deals with a universal yearning—the desire for living life to its fullest with the knowledge that we are here for a reason: That we are loved.
This devotional classic tells the life story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known—Jesus Christ. It does not merely set down a series of remote events; it presents the meaning of them so vividly that you will feel like you are an eyewitness to what is being described. And in these pages you will understand, possibly for the first time, the true, underlying significance of Christ's deeds and their bearing on your own and now.
This book is like a harmony of the gospels. It takes Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and combines the stories in chapter form. Of the thousands of books in the Library of Congress on the life of Jesus, this is one of the most used and asked for.
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