The Full Monty leadership show... with Dõv Baron

Dr. Asaf Romirowsky on Full Monty Leadership Radio- June 6

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Question: Is the US Government indirectly (or directly) financing a Jihad mentality in the Middle East?
In many ways it seems that peace in the middle east is further away than it has ever been. So many of us celebrated the Arab spring of 2012 as Arab countries dethroned several dictatorships. As a result, we may have told ourselves that US style democracy was just around the corner for these countries.
Only now are we beginning to see that in most cases (where CIA installed dictatorships tumble) they are replaced with radicals like the Muslim Brotherhood. (Something very similar happened in Iran when the CIA installed Shah of Iran was exiled in 1979 and this resulted in a power vacuum that brought the extremely radical Ayatollah Khomeini to power.)
To this day the people of the United States are sending their tax dollars to support groups who are often repressing their own people and, or breeding a hostile mentality towards not only the US but also the west in general.
For most people, when they think of the United Nations they think of this extremely benevolent international body who are working on keeping world peace and taking care of those who are suffering.
However, you should know the UN is made up of many agencies charged with many different objectives. One of those agencies is UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) and according to my guest: Creating peace is far from high on their agenda. To such a degree that they (UNRWA ) have been investigated and challenged for among other things, promoting a Jihad mentality in the Palestinian region.
Why should you care?
The US government, using tax payers dollars, gives approximately $250,000,000 a year to UNRWA!
In this show I get to wear one of my favorite hats…that of investigative journalist and dig in to a very hot subject with my guest Dr. Asaf Romirowsky a Middle East analyst and an adjunct scholar at the Foundation for Defense for Democracies, and the Middle East Forum.
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky is a former Israel Defense Forces International Relations liaison officer in the West Bank and to the Kingdom of Jordan.
He holds several degrees including a doctorate from Kings College London.
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky publishes widely in the national press as well as in scholarly journals and makes frequent appearances in the media.
In addition, he lectures and teaches a wide range of audiences and programs around the world.
Born in the US he has traveled widely in Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories.
He has become one of the pre-eminent experts when it comes to discussing Israel, Palestine and our financial aid to both.
In this Part 1 of a 2 part show we will discuss UNRWA, who they are, ,what they are doing and why You should care!
We will begin our discussion of the Palestinian “Right to Return” to their homeland. The possibility of a “two state solution” And ask: Do The Israelis want it? Do The Palestinians want it?
We will look at a subject most people are very unclear on: Why Palestinians and Palestine are two different things.
This is just a small sampling of where this great interview goes.
Make sure you share this with your friends and tune in on Thursday June 6th @10:AM (Pac) 1:PM (EST)
Why? Because you are a leader!
Dr. Asaf Romirowsky sites: & FaceBook:
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The Full Monty leadership show... with Dõv BaronBy Contact Talk Radio