In this episode of Hebrew Voices #208: Trump in Prophecy, Nehemia speaks with Joe Dumond about how the end-times of Daniel 9 might play out in the coming years, an unexpected resurrection, and how the 10 gods of Egypt relate to the troubled era in which we live.
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Hebrew Voices #208 – Trump in Prophecy
You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at
Joe: The 70th week of Daniel started in 1996. This is the final 120th Jubilee cycle since…
Nehemia: “It’s the final countdown!”
Joe: But it’s not the end.
Nehemia: I don’t know the words! Yeah, go ahead. It’s not the end, no.
Joe: We go into the 7th millennium after 2044.
Nehemia: Okay, but what happens in 2044?
Joe: The beginning of the 7th millennium begins.
Nehemia: So, is that the Messiah ruling the Earth?
Nehemia: Will that be Yeshua, or…
Nehemia: King David? Wait a minute, hold on!
Shalom and welcome to Hebrew Voices! I’m here today with Joseph Dumond. He’s the Bible chronology digger, and we are going to talk about President Donald Trump in Bible prophecy. Shalom Joe!
Joe: Shalom Nehemia. How are you?
Nehemia: Joe, we’re recording this in December of 2024, but planning on releasing it just before the inauguration, the second inauguration, of Donald Trump, in January of 2025. And there are people sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what is going to happen with Donald Trump as the president the second time round. Joe, I’m handing it off to you. And not just, what is your opinion? But also, what do you believe or know from Bible prophecy?
Joe: Well, I liked Donald Trump when he was first elected in 2015-2016, when he took office. I thought he was doing pretty good things and making things happen. The second half, I wasn’t that impressed with his quoting a lot of conspiracy teachers out there, so I sort of lost a little bit of faith in him then. I still like the man; he gets things done. He sort of waves his fist over here and everyone’s looking at the fist, but he’s coming around here with a clubhouse and getting stuff done. So, in that regard, I still hold good favor for President Trump, President Elect Trump.
I wrote a book, my very first book, way back in 2009, published in 2010, called The Prophecies of Abraham. In that book I’m showing people Jubilee cycles, and that’s basically all I talk about. So, I showed how the presidency of the strongest nation in the world, the United States, would be taken over by a weak leader. And then it would have a hawk, a very strong leader, come on the world’s scene, and the world wouldn’t tolerate the hawk because they got used to the wimpiness of the United States. Now, I thought that might have been Obama, and now I’m starting to think it might be happening this time around.
Nehemia: If you look up in the dictionary “weak leader”, there’s actually a picture of Joe Biden next to it. Meaning, whatever your politics are, the world laughed at America for four years saying, “We can do whatever we want because this guy doesn’t even know what day it is, and he’s not running the show.” Yeah, that was bad, especially after he announced that we defeated Medicare. Nobody can say now, “Oh yeah, he knows what’s going on.”
Joe: So, we have a world in chaos now because of the weakness of the United States.
Nehemia: And you’re not even American, right? You’re North American, but…
Nehemia: Okay. We still love you.
Joe: Yeah. Well, Trump just offered to make us his 51st state, so we may get something going.
Anyway, back in 2015, I made this video about Trump… or had this video made about him, and I showed you where we were in prophecy. And at that time, the thing I was trying to point out was the Paris Accord. Now the Paris Accord was the newest name to the United Nations Environmental Program created in 1972. What I’m saying is that Daniel 9, the covenant made with many, everyone’s looking at that as the Oslo Accords or something else, and they’re trying to make it fit a seven-year pattern. It’s one Jubilee cycle, one Feast of…
Nehemia: Help me out here. The Paris Accord, or, what is it called?
Joe: The Paris Accord is the environmental, global warming…
Nehemia: Is that like Greta Thunberg “everybody should freeze to death” kind of thing?
Joe: Yeah, she’s behind that. Yeah, that’s her thing. It’s about global warming and saving the world from the evils of men.
Nehemia: We’re going to save the world by having everybody freeze to death up north… okay, that makes a lot of sense.
Joe: Really, what it is… it’s a money grab; money being sent to the United Nations in order for the poorer nations of the world to get money. And this is what COP 29 was about this year.
Nehemia: I don’t know what that is.
Joe: COP 29 is the Conference of the Peoples, I think it is. They’ve had a number of these conferences every November, every year, and a lot of the poor nations are getting excited because the rich ones are just supposed to give them trillions of dollars. When I was in the Philippines, they wanted to talk to me about, “How can we get this 80 million that’s on the table?” And my message was something they could use to get it. But it’s never going to happen because the rich nations are supposed to give it to them. China is claiming to be one of the poor nations, a developing nation, therefore they’re not involved. They’re going to be receiving the money from the United States, which is crazy. But that’s what this is about, and that’s sort of not what we’re talking about here, but Trump came in 2015 and signed the deal to eliminate the Paris Accord…
Joe: …which Obama signed right after Trump got elected, and the whole world signed onto it at that time. So, this has been growing since 1972.
Nehemia: Let’s back up. There’s some kind of series of international treaties that are prophesied in Daniel. Let’s read Daniel.
Joe: Okay. Do you want to read it?
Nehemia: Where is this in Daniel?
Nehemia: Daniel 9:20… and look guys, even if you don’t accept what Joe is saying about his interpretation, how often do you open up Daniel 9:25 and 26 and even try to understand what it’s talking about? Do you want to read it and then I’ll comment maybe on some of the Hebrew?
Joe: It’s actually verse 27.
Joe: “And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.”
Nehemia: And who is “he” here, according to you?
Joe: For me, this “he” is the spiritual bad guy.
Nehemia: Is that what Christians usually call the Antichrist?
Joe: Okay, you can call him Antichrist. Call him Satan. Call him whatever you want to call him.
Nehemia: Wait, wait, I didn’t make up that term, it’s in the New Testament. How do you understand Antichrist in the New Testament? Is that not this? Or is it?
Joe: Yeah, I could say yes to that, yes.
Nehemia: Okay. I feel this hesitation; I don’t want to put words in your mouth.
Joe: Yeah, well because Antichrist gets to be this stigma, that he only comes at the end, at the very last three-and-a-half years.
Joe: And a lot of Christian believers believe it’s only the last three-and-a-half years, the last seven years. What are you talking about? This is Daniel, that’s not about that. Daniel is about Jesus. Why are we talking about the Antichrist here?
So, he’s confirming a covenant with many for one week. So, one week, and the word week there is shavua, which is… you know this better than I do; the feminine of shavuot.
Joe: It’s not. What is it?
Nehemia: It’s feminine-masculine. So, you have a Hebrew ending, “a”, but that’s what we call kamatz Hey. It’s a particular “a”, followed by the letter Hey, and the significance of that is it turns into a “Tuh” when it’s in what’s called the construct case, which is a certain thing you have in Semitic languages. This doesn’t have the kamatz Hey, which is the feminine ending. It actually has what’s called the stolen patach, or the furtive patach it’s called in English, sometimes, the patach g’nuva, and that is this thing where you have a guttural letter at the end of the word… this may be more information than anybody wants to hear, but it actually ties into the word Messiah and the name Yeshua. So, you have a word that ends in a guttural letter, and it’s difficult in ancient Hebrew for them to pronounce a word ending in a guttural ending with certain vowels.
So, let’s take the word Mashiach. The word Mashiach is really Meshich, but it’s hard to say Meshich, so they add an “a” to make it Mashi-ach, or Mashi-yach in certain dialects. The “a” there is added to make the pronunciation easier, and that’s called a furtive patach.
So, shavu-a is the way we pronounce it in Modern Hebrew, but it’s really shevu-a-a, which is hard to say even for most people today. And so, it’s a furtive patach. It’s not feminine. Meaning, if you look at it in Hebrew it doesn’t look feminine at all, even though when you transliterate it into English you might think it is.
It’s the same “a” as the “a” in Yeshua. Yeshua is really Yeshua-a. It’s a little bit hard to say so they say Yeshua, but it’s really Yeshua-a, with an Ayin at the end. Now, did his mom call him that? That’s a different thing. She was from the Galilee, so she probably didn’t pronounce the Ayin. She probably pronounced it something like Yeshu, which is where later rabbis get Yeshu and they turned it into an insult. But originally it wasn’t an insult. It’s like you saying “aboot” and me saying “about”. A thousand years from now, who will care? But it’s now having these impacts on how we pronounce these different words.
So no, it’s masculine. It is the singular of the word week, but here’s where things get a little bit complicated!
Joe: Hang on. Where is this word used throughout the Bible?
Nehemia: Oh, it’s definitely related to the word for… which is what you’re getting at; Pentecost.
Nehemia: Right, but Shavuot is… hold on, let me pull this up… So, let’s look at the word Shavuot. In English you say Pentecost, which is actually the Greek word, Pentecost. It’s an interesting thing because Pentecost appears in some Jewish sources as the Greek translation for the word “weeks”, and shavuot is simply “weeks”. So, if we look at… hold on… it is interesting where shavua does appear. For example, Exodus 34:22 says, “You shall observe the Feast of Weeks,” that’s in the JPS, and in the Septuagint, it says, Hebdomadon, which is just literally the word “weeks” in Greek. And in other sources, though, it will say “weeks”, Hebdomadon, or something like that, which is Pentecosta or something like that.
Joe: But every place except for two where the same word is used is talking about Shavuot.
Nehemia: Right. But Shavuot is not feminine, Shavuot is masculine. Let’s back up. Hebrew is a gendered language, as all Semitic languages are, to my knowledge at least. And what that means is that every word in the language is either masculine or feminine. “Table” has a gender, “chair” has a gender. Everything! “Cup” has a gender. And normally, that gender is identifiable because it has the “a” ending, specifically the kamatz Hey ending, which the “a” turns into “at” when you attach it to another word. Like Torah is the Torah, the law, and if you say, “the Torah of Moses”, it’s Torat Moshe. But what happened to the “a”? The “a” then turned into an “at” in order to insert the word “of” there. It’s a little bit complicated.
So, the point is, shavua is actually a masculine word with the normal feminine ending. So, Shavuot is masculine. It’s not shavuayim. In one case it is shavuayim, in Daniel, but normally it is Shavuot.
Joe: So, I said shavua was feminine, and you corrected me on that. And now you’re saying that I was right, because…
Nehemia: No, you’re not right. It has the feminine ending but it’s still masculine.
Nehemia: You have words that have a feminine ending… So, here’s a little bit of a complication. What I said is, normally you can identify words in Hebrew that end in kamatz Hey, or this “a” that turns into “at” as feminine, but there are words that are feminine that don’t have the “a” ending. And there are words that are masculine that do have the “a” ending. And that’s where it’s complicated.
And then there are words that don’t have the “a” ending that have the “ot” in plural. I’ll just give you an example; the word even is “stone”, and then in plural it’s avanim. “Im” is the masculine ending, but both even and avanim are feminine. So, if I say, “big stone”, the word for “big” is gadol, but if I say feminine big, I have to say g’dolah, so it’s even g’dolah and it’s avanim g’dolot. But wait a minute. You have “im” for avanim and then you have “ot” for g’dolot. What’s going on? That’s just how Hebrew works. Just live with it. Language has all these exceptions, and the exceptions are extremely common. The rule is not always all that common. The more common words tend to have exceptions.
For example, the word for “woman” is ishah, but the plural of ishah is not ishot, it’s nashim. What? The word for women has an “im” ending? Yes, live with it.
So, shavua is masculine and the plural is shavuot, and that’s masculine too. I know it’s complicated. Language is complicated,
Joe: No, thank you. I flunked French because I couldn’t understand masculine and feminine words.
Nehemia: I don’t know French. Does French have gendered…
Joe: Yes. And I struggled when I was trying to learn Hebrew for the same reason. I could not get it into my brain. Anyway…
Nehemia: The textbook thing you can identify, usually, in a native speaker in English, no matter how good their accent is in Israel, is they’re going to confuse gender. They’re going to say avanim g’dolim. And then there’s complicated words like ruach, which is the word for “spirit”, which can be both masculine and feminine in Biblical Hebrew. So, you can say ruach gadol and ruach g’dolah. And there’s no obvious difference as far as the meaning, even though some people claim there is, but there isn’t. But then the plural of ruach, spirit, is ruchot. Why is that? So, we say in Hebrew, kachah, “just because”. Language has all kinds of complications in it.
Joe: Okay. So, getting back to what we were talking about; Trump.
Nehemia: And you thought the woke language was complicated! Where they’re trying to make you use new…
Joe: That’s why I don’t understand wokeness…
Nehemia: Here we have pronouns that are thousands of years old that are confusing everybody.
Joe: So, President Trump…
Joe: …signed the agreement to get out of the Paris Accord, but we couldn’t get out for four years later. Which means that the United Nations Environmental Program, the UNEP, lasted for one shavua. Feminine or female or masculine, I don’t know what it is…
Nehemia: No, it’s masculine.
Joe: One shavua, one period of 49 weeks. The word shavua there… Daniel used it everywhere, and it’s talking about The Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Shavuot, except for two places where it actually is a weekly seven-day period.
Nehemia: Wait, wait. Let’s back up. So, we have the Hebrew word for week, which means a literal seven-day period, but it also means a period of seven years in the Bible. That’s what you’re getting at, right?
Joe: No, a period of seven Feast of Weeks, seven weeks for the Feast of Shavuot. So, we’re looking at just the word that Daniel is using, and when I go to Strong, because that’s how I learn Hebrew, and I know that you’re laughing…
Nehemia: I’m smiling, I’m not laughing.
Joe: When I go there, everywhere that this same word is used is talking about the Feast of Weeks except for two places. Everywhere that it’s used it’s talking about the Feast of Weeks, and yet the interpreters have said this is talking about a seven-day period in this one, which it’s not saying.
Joe: Okay? So, are you checking me out?
Nehemia: Wait a second… well, I’m definitely checking. But you’re talking about Daniel, and you’re saying that there are people who say Daniel 9:27 is a literal seven-day period?
Joe: Yeah. Do you want me to share my screen? I’ll show you what I’m talking about.
Nehemia: So, the word shavua isn’t always…
Joe: So, I’m going to go to my Strong’s. Here’s the word, “the covenant made with many for one week”, 7620. I click on it, and I get where it is used.
Nehemia: It was down there… oh, there it is.
Joe: There it is right here. So, everywhere that this word is used, except for two, is talking about the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot. Exodus 34:22, Leviticus 12:5, Numbers 28:26, Deuteronomy 16:9-10, Deuteronomy 16:16, 2 Chronicles 8:13, Daniel 9:24-25.
Nehemia: I see what you mean. So, for example, in Deuteronomy 16:9-10 it appears three times. So, the number isn’t exactly what you’re saying. It has 19 occurrences in theirs. For some reason, I’m coming up with 20 occurrences. It would be interesting to see which one is different, but okay, let’s not split hairs…
Joe: Anyway, the viewer can go and search this out, but that’s where I’m coming from. And he’s talking about a feast of a 49-day period, which I interpret to be a 49-year period, getting back to Trump.
Nehemia: Shavua is a 49-year period?
Nehemia: In prophecy? Wait a minute, hold on a second.
Joe: We’re talking prophecy!
Nehemia: Shavua is not a seven–year period in prophecy?
Joe: No, shavua is the Feast of Shavuot. It’s 49 days.
Joe: And 49 days, prophetically a day for a year, is 49 years.
Nehemia: So, when you see the word shavua in prophecy, even though it literally means “week”, you’re saying it means 49 years.
Joe: The subject has totally changed here, all of a sudden.
Nehemia: No, we want to talk about Trump!
Joe: Hang on! Now I’ve got to explain this because you went there.
Nehemia: So, when it says “one week” in Daniel 9:27, you’re saying that means 49 years.
Joe: Yes. So, Daniel 9:25, “Therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks.” The word “weeks” there is shavua, or shavu-ot, and 62 shavu-ot, so what’s that? That’s 49. It’s talking about Jubilee cycles. This is a prophecy.
Nehemia: So, in 9:25 and 26, remember how we said language has exceptions to the rule?
Nehemia: The plural of shavua, even though it’s masculine, is shavuot. But in 9:25 and 9:26, it has shavuy-im, just to make your life miserable. And why is that? The real answer is that Daniel is in a different dialect of Hebrew than other parts of the Bible. That’s my answer, at least. So, there it’s shavuyim, actually.
Joe: Where am I going? I’m going here. I can’t even find stuff on my own site now. What am I doing?
Nehemia: So wait, when it says shavuyim shivah, “seven weeks”, you’re saying that seven times 49?
Joe: Yeah, exactly. Let me show it to you now.
Joe: I’m going to show you here on my screen, and this is where I would like to get you in front of my big banner. So, we’ve got a conference coming up in February down at the National Religious Broadcasters Show in Grapevine, Texas.
Joe: And we have a huge banner. It’s 20 feet long by 10 feet tall, and we show everything here on the banner so you can see it all in one spot. So, Daniel is talking about seven weeks, seven 49’s, seven shavuot, and Jubilees are seven 49’s as a day for a year in a Jubilee cycle. And it says, “From the going forth of the command shall be seven,” so most Christian prophecies take the seven and add it to the end for the Great Tribulation and put the 62 first. But that’s not what it says. It says “seven”, seven shavua, or shavuot, until Messiah. So, from “Going forth of the command,” is the Exodus. So, here I’ve done the entire chronology of man, and here is the Exodus in this Jubilee cycle here.
Nehemia: The Exodus from Egypt in the time of Moses.
Nehemia: Okay. And when it says “minus 13-whatever…”
Nehemia: BCE, Before the Common Era, or Before Christ.
Joe: So, I have negative for BC years.
Nehemia: And remember, according to Joe, Christ was born in 3 BCE.
Joe: Let’s not get picky here. On the left-hand side is the Gregorian calendar. On the right-hand side, it’s counting from the creation of Adam. But they’re exactly the same time, just two different ways of counting time.
Nehemia: Okay. So, the one on the right is counting up and the one on the left is counting back from the year 1 or 0.
Joe: 0, yeah. So, this is the Exodus. Now, Daniel 9:24 is talking about “seven shavua”. So, seven shavua, you count them here, seven Jubilee cycles from the Exodus brings you to just before the time when King David was born. King David is the anointed prince. He was anointed by Samuel when he was a young boy. He was anointed by Judah in 1010, he’s anointed by Israel in 1003 BC. That’s who this prophecy is talking about.
Nehemia: So, to put it into modern woke terms, the occupation of Jerusalem by the Zionist entity began in 1003 BCE. I think that’s what you’re saying.
Joe: Don’t go woke on me, I can’t take it.
Nehemia: Those Jewish colonizers! European colonizer 1003 BCE. They got to Israel before the Germans even got to Germany. Incredible!
Joe: The second part of that prophecy says, “And 62 weeks,” or 62 shavua, or 62 Jubilee cycles. And if you count from here, from the Exodus, that brings you all the way down to 69.
Nehemia: AD. Or no, 69 what?
Joe: So, I’ve got 69 in the middle here representing the Jubilee cycles. That brings you to 1996, the last Jubilee year.
Nehemia: Okay. So, here’s where we’re getting into the Trump territory.
Nehemia: So, the world is going to end… maybe that’s not the right term.
Nehemia: The end times will begin at the end of the 1996 Jubilee cycle?
Joe: No. The end times begins… we’re going to talk about that in a session that you don’t want to talk about now, afterwards.
Nehemia: Okay. There’s a part we want to discuss but if we put it up on YouTube, we’ll get banned. So, it’ll be on my website, where, if you log in, you’ll have access. And if you don’t log in you won’t be offended. You won’t even know about it because we’re not putting this out to the public because we’ll both get into a bunch of trouble. Alright, we’ll save that for Part 2.
Joe: So, the 70th week of Daniel…
Nehemia: Let’s get to Part 2. That’s the part I want!
Joe: The 70th week of Daniel started in 1996. This is the final 120th Jubilee cycle since…
Nehemia: “It’s the final countdown!”
Joe: But it’s not the end.
Nehemia: I don’t know the words! Yeah, go ahead. It’s not the end, no.
Joe: We go into the 7th millennium after 2044.
Nehemia: Okay, but what happens in 2044? Does Jesus…
Joe: The beginning of the 7th millennium begins.
Nehemia: So, is that the Messiah ruling the Earth?
Nehemia: Will that be Yeshua, or…
Nehemia: King David! Wait a minute, hold on! You’re saying that Yeshua is not going to come down as a flesh and blood king in 2044? Or whenever the 7th millennium is?
Joe: No, I’m not saying that.
Nehemia: You’re not saying that. I feel like we have a double negative.
Joe: Just so you know, I’m going to get off of this, but that same picture is the one behind me here, so you can look at it…
Nehemia: Wait, wait, wait. So, you didn’t confirm what I asked, so I don’t know what the answer is, but that’s fine. People can read your book on
Joe: Let’s confirm it. We’ll confirm it. I’m going to confirm it with you. You’re actually going to confirm it.
Joe: So, we’re going back to Daniel 9 here, “Know therefore and understand, that from the going out of the command to restore and to build Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince.” Who is Messiah the prince? Nehemia, quick!
Nehemia: Well, as a Jew I would say that I don’t know what his name is yet, because…
Joe: Yes, you do! Who else is called Messiah the Prince?
Nehemia: Lots of people. Saul, David…
Joe: Saul was? Oh, yeah, that’s right!
Nehemia: Absolutely! He’s called Meshiach Yehovah, “the Messiah of Yehovah”. David says, “I dare not put my hand and touch the Messiah of Yehovah.” Meaning, even though Saul was trying to kill him, David, even in self-defense, didn’t dare lay a hand on Saul. You could say that’s prophetic if you like.
Nehemia: Because, according to David, Saul was the Messiah, the anointed of Yehovah. At that time, at least.
Joe: Okay. So now, you also said that it was referring to…
Nehemia: But obviously this isn’t about Saul.
Joe: You’ve also said it was referring to King David in Ezekiel, right?
Nehemia: Oh, sure. And King Jehu, and King Solomon, according to the Tanakh.
Joe: Well now, this prophecy is not talking about anyone else, it’s talking about one. You know who he’s talking about because it says, “And after seven shavua, shall be Messiah the Prince.” So, after the seven shavua from the going forth of the command, we ended up with the birth of King David, Messiah the Prince.
Nehemia: Okay, I got where you’re coming from. But let me just ask this question.
Joe: Let me finish my thought.
Nehemia: Okay, go ahead, finish.
Joe: So, the subject here in verse 25 is Messiah the Prince, King David, after seven weeks, and the subject is still King David after 62 weeks, which is 69 Jubilee cycles, which is 1996. So, who’s coming back at this time? Nehemia?
Nehemia: So, according to what you’re saying, King David is coming back in 1996?
Joe: Not according to what I’m saying! What does the verse tell you? Who is the subject of the verse?
Nehemia: Well, who knows what the verse tells me.
Nehemia: If I knew that then I would have written the book, not you!
Joe: Messiah the Prince, after seven weeks, was Messiah King David, the same subject, the same sentence. It’s talking about the same Messiah the Prince after 62 weeks. Who is that? King David.
Nehemia: So, King David is coming back in 1996?
Joe: No, he’s coming back after that time.
Joe: Well, actually before that.
Joe: You want me to get specific now? Okay.
Nehemia: Just give us the year…
Nehemia: Point to the thing behind you. Remember, left is right, and right is left on these Zoom things…
Joe: Yeah. I’ll do this, okay? Let me get rid of you. Hang on.
Nehemia: Joe is getting rid of me.
Joe: I’ll make that a little bit bigger so people can see it. Okay, so we’re way off subject. This wasn’t even going to be part of this conversation.
Nehemia: Is Donald Trump King David? What are we saying here?
Joe: No! King David is King David.
Nehemia: Look, I was reliably told by the left that when Donald Trump came to power, JD Vance would remain president for 30 years. Is JD Vance King David? Does the “D” in JD Vance stand for David? Jesus David Vance!
You heard it for the first time here, people!
Nehemia: Prove it’s not so!
Joe: So, we have this prophecy that Jesus himself said, or Yeshua himself said, “As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Lot, judgement began.” So, we go back to the time of Noah, and we’ll look at that one first. Noah, right here, 1656 on the right-hand side; can you see that?
Nehemia: So, it’s 1656 from the birth of Adam, or something like that?
Joe: The creation of Adam.
Joe: That’s when the flood took place. And that’s the same year as 2181 after Creation. So, that is the fourth year of the sixth Sabbatical cycle. When you compare that to me, right here, I’ve got 2033 marked out on my screen if you’re looking at me. I’m pointing at it; do you see that? So, that’s what we’re comparing it to.
Now we come to the days of Lot. Lot was the year before Isaac was born. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in 2047, which is equal to the year 1790 BC. And you compare that to our Jubilee cycle now, and it’s the third year of the sixth Sabbatical cycle. In both cases, judgement is taking place on somebody or some group of people.
And then we discovered this other one which we didn’t know about, and Luke doesn’t say it, so I can’t use it to prove my case. But I’m saying, here, look at this. Here’s the seven years of plenty from 1607 BC to 1601 BC, and the seven years of famine from 1600 to 1594 BC. I just use different colors to highlight different things I talk about in my church. So, that’s also the third year of the sixth Sabbatical cycle.
Now, as it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days in Lot, and we compare that to our time now, “So shall it be in the last days.” In the third year or the fourth year, which in between the two, in the sixth Sabbatical cycle, is judgement. Now, I don’t know, I think I’ve mentioned this to you before. You might not have understood.
Joe: But I looked at Yeshua’s death and resurrection according to Passover, and I wondered how the fall holy days fitted into this understanding. I know that the eighth day has similar teachings to Shavuot and similar teachings to the Feast of Trumpets. So, as a hypothetical thing, I made the eighth day the Jubilee year 2045.
Nehemia: I’m sorry, the eighth day of what? You lost me there.
Joe: The eighth day of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret.
Nehemia: Okay. So, the eighth day of Sukkot, or Shemini Atzeret, you’re saying prophetically turns out to 2045.
Joe: Is equal to or similar to, yeah… prophetically. Seven days before that, here in the blue, from 2044 to 2038, is the week of Sukkot. That’s the marriage that takes place at the end of the 7th millennium. Five days before that is 2033, the Day of Atonement. Ten days before that, it represents the Feast of Trumpets, 2024.
So, Daniel 9 is telling us that something is coming in the middle of this 70th week, or 70th Jubilee cycle…
Nehemia: Wait a minute, hold on. I’m sorry, finish your thought. I don’t want to interrupt you.
Joe: No, it’s okay. I enjoy this with you. We’ve counted the 70 weeks here, it’s talking about Daniel, coming at this time. Something’s going to trigger it in 2020. That’s the middle of the week, the middle of this 70th week, of Daniel 9.
Nehemia: Okay, wait. Let me explain this to the audience… I hope I’m getting this right. Your understanding, in the Hebrew calendar in the Torah; in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy… it’s in each of those books, well, particularly in Leviticus and Numbers, we have a 22-day… oh put that back up.
Nehemia: We have a 22-day feast period, beginning with Yom Teruah, which most Jews know as Rosh Hashanah, and ending with Shemini Atzeret, which most know as Shemini Atzeret, or Simchat Torah in Israel. And you’re saying that the years 2024 through 2045, if we superimpose that 22-day pattern, that’s the 22 years of 2024 to 2045. Is that right?
Nehemia: Okay, so prophetically 2024, which, we’re recording this, will be over when we broadcast this, presumably. Unless this revelation is so great that I can’t even wait a month, although my editor might need a month… but 2024 is prophetically Yom Teruah. Which, according to a program we did a month ago, although for you and me it was an hour ago, on YouTube, where we talked about the truth about Christmas, so, Yeshua, you believe, or Jesus, was born on Yom Teruah, which is 2024. So prophetically, what is the significance of 2024 in the life of Yeshua’s rebirth?
Joe: You got it, everything you just said is correct.
Nehemia: I’m trying to understand. I don’t see the…
Nehemia: I’m missing a piece of the puzzle.
Joe: 2024 represents the Ten Days of Awe.
Joe: The start of the Ten Days of Awe.
Nehemia: Tell the non-Jewish audience what the Ten Days of Awe are.
Joe: So, the Ten Days of Awe are the ten days from the feast of Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur, from the day of the Feast of Trumpets until the Day of Atonement, ten days later. Those are the ten days that you are to repent and forgive sins and hopefully be forgiven for your sins so that your name will be found in the Book of Life. The shofar is blown every day, the tekiyah g’dolah. I’m not even sure I’m saying it right.
Nehemia: Yeah, that’s the large blowing of the horn.
Joe: The final last blowing of the shofar as the sun sets at the end of the Day of Atonement, your last chance…
Nehemia: Yeah, that’s called Neilah, the locking of the doors of repentance, or something like that.
Joe: What did you call it?
Nehemia: Neilah means “the locking”, and what it refers to is, there’s the doors of repentance, and the doors are locked and shut as the sun sets at the end of Yom Kippur. And so, if you’re going to get in your repentance, many people actually start on the 1st of Elul, which is 40 days earlier. You’ll show us where that is on the chart.
Nehemia: But then the full-blown repentance, traditionally, will be beginning on Rosh Hashanah, which is Yom Teruah in the Torah, and ending with Yom Kippur. And then traditionally on the end of Yom Kippur, there’s the Neilah prayer, where they blow the shofar, the long blow, and then that’s it. The doors of repentance are closed.
Joe: Right, exactly. And that’s the Ten Days of Awe.
Nehemia: So, 2023 is Judgement Day. That’s the takeaway here.
Joe: So, on the Day of Atonement, the goat, the azazel goat, the one that all the sins are put on, this is the one that brought sin into the world, Satan, is taken and thrown into the pit. So now this ceremony, if my understanding is correct, and I had a lot of different things proving me that I am correct, is 2033, when Satan will be locked up. Now, that’s told to you in Revelation 19, I think it is, where it says that the strong angel will come down and grab Satan and throw him into the pit for the millennium, for the thousand years.
Nehemia: So, Satan is going to be defeated in 2033?
Nehemia: Oh. That seems like a good thing, right?
Joe: That’s a great thing.
Joe: You know, there’s a part that happens before that; the Great Tribulation that goes for the three-and-a-half years before that.
Nehemia: When does that start?
Joe: Well, it starts at Passover in 2030, and here on this drawing 2030 represents Shabbat Shuvah.
Nehemia: Which is the Sabbath of Repentance.
Joe: The Sabbath of Return.
Nehemia: Well, return or repentance. It’s the same word in Hebrew.
Joe: Yes. So, tell the people what that means, though.
Nehemia: Why don’t you tell us, because there’s obviously some allegorical meaning here that I’m…
Joe: It’s the Shabbat of Return.
Joe: And you are to return to what? Return to who? Return to Torah.
Joe: To God, Yehovah. Right?
Joe: So, that’s the time, but it’s also the time when Israel will be returned to the Land.
Nehemia: The ingathering of the exiles will be 2030.
Joe: Yeah. But there’s a little twist to it, because you also get there and you also have to flee at the same time, and you’re going to flee into Moab. So, this is the beginning of the tribulation.
Nehemia: And is Moab here literally Jordan, or is it some allegorical…
Joe: I believe it’s literally Jordan.
Joe: Actually, the boundaries of Moab, not Jordan, because Amman is also in Jordan.
Nehemia: Right. Jordan south of the Arnon River, which is Wadi al Mujib, okay.
Joe: Yeah. Do not go to Amman, because Amman is going to be destroyed.
Joe: But here we are; we’re at the end of 2024, about to begin 2025, and here’s all this stuff. So, the other part that I do is, God said in Deuteronomy, “If you’re not going to obey Me, I’m going to give you the plagues of Egypt in the last days.” And what are those plagues? The rivers drying up… we talked about this on an earlier teaching. The ten gods of Egypt are what I’m watching for now. You talk about Trump… we’re going to get back to Trump in a minute. We’re trying to.
Nehemia: So, Trump is going to be 2025 through 2029. The election will be in 2028 unless JD Vance takes over as the world dictator. So, what’s in that dark red stuff in 2027? Or, what’s the red stuff in 2025 and ‘26?
Joe: Those are blood moons. So, this is taken from one of the…
Joe: Yeah, we have blood moons on the High Holy Days, at Passover and Sukkot. And so, we recorded the blood moons to see if we could see a pattern, and I found a pattern. They generally do come just before disaster strikes. We had a blood moon in Passover and Sukkot in 2020, 2014, 2015 and 2016. We had blood moons on the high holy days at that time. Again, they warn you. There’s a Jewish teaching that they warn you about bad times about to come.
Nehemia: Well, I’ll leave the blood moons for a different discussion.
Nehemia: The young people say, TLDR; too long, didn’t read. TLDR is bad stuff is going to happen in 2025 through 2029. Is that right?
Joe: It actually starts in 2024; you just witnessed a whole year. Where were you and I, one year ago in October?
Nehemia: Well, you were in Alon, which is a small town in the Judean Desert, and you were telling me how horrible things are going to happen like we’ve never seen before. I’m paraphrasing. And I’m thinking like, “Ha, ha, ha. Yeah, the world never changes.”
Nehemia: One week later, we had the most disastrous day in the history of the Jewish people, really, maybe, you could say Western civilization, since World War II, which was October 7th.
Joe: And how did I know that Nehemia? In fact, I was trying to tell you why I was there. I wrote a letter to the prime minister warning him on September 10th. I know, he probably didn’t even see it. Warning him about a surprise attack. I wrote to the chief rabbis at that time, warning them of a surprise attack. I went to Yehudah Glick and spoke to him face to face, warning him about this surprise attack. I didn’t know who to talk to.
Nehemia: You know, there was this guy in Southern Israel who had all this… not that sophisticated though, but he had a bunch of radio equipment that was picking up all kinds of broadcasts from Gaza. He went to the Israeli Intelligence Services and said, “They are preparing an invasion.” And you know what they did? They confiscated his equipment. They said, “We don’t want to hear this. This isn’t our agenda. We’re trying to give them job licenses and they’re going to send in a bunch of workers from Gaza, and you’re just going to ruffle everybody’s feathers.” So, you know what they said? They said, “Stop listening.” They actually put a court order to make him stop listening and took away his equipment. And when October 7th happened, they literally went to him and said, “We need you to start listening again, because we don’t even know where our own guys are,” because of the fog of war.
Nehemia: He was like, “You took my equipment. What do you want me to do?”
Joe: In that fog of war, you and I were sitting there spinning about what’s going on, what’s happening, and I didn’t know what was happening. I knew that this was connected, but I was caught up in being in the middle of that bombardment.
Joe: And we were just trying to figure out how do we get out of here. So, it took me a little while, but this is what I understood. When I came to meet you… we were going to do an interview and you pulled out your phone, “Hey, let’s talk.” But that’s what I wanted to tell you.
Nehemia: Okay. So, you were right about October 7th. Maybe you didn’t know the exact date. Did you know the exact date?
Nehemia: So, you knew something bad was going to happen.
Joe: I knew it was about to happen.
Nehemia: Yeah. The guy with the radios who got the court order also knew. He didn’t know when either. He knew from listening to radio broadcasts in Arabic and you knew from reading the Bible.
Joe: I knew from Daniel 9.
Joe: I knew from Daniel 9 but also Daniel 12.
Nehemia: I thought you were a complete lunatic and crazy in 2023, but now you’re like EF Hutton. What do you have to say here? Just between you and me, we won’t share this with anyone else.
Joe: Yeah, right. So, we’ll talk about Trump. What’s the next four years with Trump going to be like?
Nehemia: Yeah, that’s what we want to know.
Joe: So, we told you about Trump and how he’d stopped the United Nations Environmental Program by signing out of it. He signed out of it, but he could not get out for four years. Do you want me to get out of this? Or do you want me to leave that up?
Nehemia: You can get out of it so that we can see you. Anyway, it’s behind you.
Joe: Okay. So, he signed out of it. And when he signed out of it, it just so happened that he could not get out for four years, which brought it to 2020. That was the end of the 49-year period in 2020 for this accord. Now, Biden signed back onto it as soon as he got in office, whenever that was.
Joe: Yeah. But Trump ended it. I’m going to sit off to the side here so you can see that. The middle of that Jubilee cycle is 2020. Now, Daniel talked about 2020. Something was going to happen in 2020. We knew something was going to happen. I expected it to happen at Shavuot, that was just my own personal thing. But it happened on, I believe it was the first day of the year in the Hebrew calendar.
Netanyahu… we were all going into lockdown at that time. Everywhere around the world went into lockdown. And all the people were yelling and screaming, “No vax, no masks,” they were going stupid with all this stuff.
Nehemia: So, for people who are listening to this years from now, well, hopefully not after 2045, if Joe’s right. He’s talking about the pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic. And I hope in the future they don’t say, “Nehemia was talking about the first pandemic.” You know, I hope that is not the case, but it likely is going to be the case.
Nehemia: So yes, the first pandemic.
Joe: We’re talking about the Trump…
Nehemia: I’m the guy who called it World War I in 1917. The first pandemic. Okay, go ahead.
Joe: The first pandemic, and that was 2020. It started around November the year before and then blew up in the United States in 2020. We all went into lockdown. Everywhere around the world was going into lockdown, and all these conspiracy things are going crazy. Forget them. Look at the facts. Six million people died around the world; I don’t know how many… I forget, 600,000 Americans died. I forgot the number.
Joe: I don’t know. But that happened in 2020.
Nehemia: I was told that it was all Trump’s fault, because apparently, he controls biology.
Joe: Yeah. Again, conspiracy stuff. Stop listening to that stuff. Look at the facts. Look at your Bible. Just stick with what Yehovah’s telling us. He warned us in Daniel 9. 2020.
Joe: Now something happened. On March 25th, Netanyahu locked down Israel, just before Passover. What does that mean? I didn’t know. Yeah, every synagogue, every place of worship in Israel, was locked down. Every synagogue, church, temple, mosque around the world was in lockdown. But the Bible’s talking about, from the time that the daily… what’s the daily? The daily is the prayers of your lips, Hosea 14:2, the bullocks of your lips were stopped on March 25th, 2020.
Nehemia: So, that’s not the daily sacrifice. You’re saying it’s the daily prayers in place of the daily sacrifice?
Joe: So, that took place then. And then it says in Daniel 12, 1,290 days from the time that the daily is taken away. So, from March 25th, 2020, 1,290 days later brings you to 2023, October 6th. Not October 7th, October 6th. And it’s important to make that distinction. Yeshua said…
Siri: I didn’t get that, could you try again?
Nehemia: Siri is listening!
Joe: Okay. Want to talk about that? Yeshua said…
Siri: I’m not sure I understand.
Nehemia: The lizard people are listening!
Joe: Yeshua said that when you see the abomination of Daniel, spoken of by Daniel, flee. Flee to the mountains of Judea. So, at the Nova Festival… and 1,200 people were killed that day. And you and I were in Jerusalem, but it’s affected me really big time. Those bombs…
Nehemia: And at the time you thought the abomination of desolation was some kind of church or something?
Joe: I thought that a new construction of the shrine for the Blessed Virgin Mary on Golgotha. And I thought that was it, and I was racing and watching every day to see if they were going to do a big parade to put the statue up there.
And on October 7th, they had this huge procession going up to the shrine, and they kept running back in because of the sirens. They tried to go up there three, four times, and I’m watching, and I’m waiting, where’s the statue? And I’m about to run up there thinking how stupid I am, because it says you’re supposed to flee, and I got no place to flee because this is a one-road entry here.
And the rockets are going off, and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. But 1,200 people were being killed at that moment. And, you know, it still bugs me. I got mad at you over that day…
Nehemia: You and anybody who cares about God’s people. I said it bugs you, but it’s not just you. I mean, anybody who cares about God’s people is bugged by the murder of 1,200 people.
Joe: Yeah. But what I’m about to say, Nehemia, is still upsetting, because I know how much it’s going to upset people to hear it. But at that Nova Festival… if you look at the videos, at the beginning of the videos, when they’re all dancing around, it pans around, it shows you a giant inflated Buddha on top of the DJ tent. This is a huge thing, 20 feet tall, and they’re all dancing in front of it. What is a Buddha statue? It’s an idol. When Israel worshipped the golden calf, 3,000 people were killed that day, or that week; 3,000. I’ve been to Mount Sinai. I’ve seen those graves. It’s stunning.
Nehemia: You mean Saudi Arabia, right?
Joe: In Saudi Arabia, yes. It’s stunning. I’ve seen the golden calf altar. And to see this event take place at the Nova Festival is heart-wrenching. How much that affected the entire nation back in Israel’s day, you can see it now today. But they were dancing. They weren’t keeping Shemini Atzeret, they weren’t worshipping Yehovah. They were having a rave, a wild party around Buddha. Now, Buddha in Judaism is an easy guy to get along with, because Buddha doesn’t kill Jews, Christians kill Jews.
Nehemia: And some Buddhists, at least, say Buddha isn’t really a god, he’s just some guy with some philosophy ideas. Other Buddhists obviously do at least practice, I guess Catholics would say adoration, or something like that. I don’t know. But let me say this, because what you said is really controversial, because you’re saying, well, the reason… I won’t even say what you’re saying.
Joe: Well, let me finish what I’m saying.
Nehemia: Finish what you’re saying, yeah.
Joe: Because 1,290 was October 6th, and the Buddha statue was set up that Friday.
Nehemia: By the way, they were on the third day of the festival. And we now know that the security forces were talking about whether they should… because they knew there was going to be an attack. They didn’t know it would be thousands of terrorists. They thought it would be… and I’m talking about like at three… the attack started around 6:30 AM. At two or three in the morning, the security agencies are discussing it, and they know some attack is coming. But they think it’s going to be like a dozen guys or something. They don’t know the scale of it, or so we’re told at this point.
Nehemia: And so, they were saying, “Maybe we should stop this festival that’s been going on for two or three days.” That was discussed, and the question is why they didn’t stop the festival. That’s not entirely… as of this recording, from what I’ve heard publicly, it’s not clear why they let the festival go on. Meaning that it was a concern enough that they had, and this is what’s said publicly at this point, they had mobilized what you might call the national SWAT team. We have a thing called the Sayeret Matkal, which is something like the Delta Force, or something like that, in Israel… Oh no, I’m sorry. It was the SWAT team of the Shabak, which is like the CIA SWAT force, the equivalent in Israel, or the FBI SWAT force, because they were expecting maybe a dozen or two guys, and they’re like, “Okay. I mean, we’ve got the most elite soldiers in Israel.” They’re not actually soldiers, they’re law enforcement. The most elite law enforcement in Israel can surely handle them. And they had the highest death rate in the history of Israel on October 7th, because they were on the front line. But they apparently didn’t know it was going to be thousands of people. That’s what we’re being told now. But they knew it was going to be something, and that it was going to infiltrate at least one of the towns there and they figured the SWAT team could handle that.
Joe: Yeah. So, there’s another part of Daniel that nobody’s speaking about, but I’ve written about it in our book, The Abominations that Makes Desolate.
Nehemia: On Guys, you can go to his website,, and he’s got these books.
Nehemia: Is that right? Did I get that right?
Joe: Yeah, or on Amazon. It says, the other part of Daniel, after the 1290 days, “blessed are those who get to the 1,335 day mark.” And at the 1,335 day mark from March 25th brings you to November 21st. November 21st was when Israel and Hamas made the agreement to release the hostages, and then they began to release them three or four days later, and that’s the only time… I think they got 80 hostages out, but that’s the only time they were able to get hostages out other than rescuing them themselves. So, this is connected to that. There’s another prophecy in Daniel 8, from the time that…
Nehemia: Before you get to that, I want to say a follow-up, sort of like another perspective on the Nova Festival, which was this music festival where you say they had a Buddha statue. I don’t know about that. I can tell you there was this ceremony on October 7th, 2024, where a bunch of rabbis got together and held a prayer, and there was a very moving speech by one of the rabbis there.
He said, “Look, there were thousands of Jews here who were dancing and celebrating on the Feast of Sukkot,” on October 7th, that is, of 2023. And he said, “These people weren’t religious. It was Shabbat, where they were at a party, and they were secular people. They weren’t religious, but something deep inside them stirred them to want to celebrate and dance.” The Hebrew word for feast is chag, and chag literally is from the word chug, which means “a circle of people dancing.” That’s the literal meaning of festival, it’s a circle of dancers. Probably where it originally comes from is they were stomping on the grapes, and if you’re stomping on grapes, you’re going to slip, fall back, and break your neck, unless you all hold each other’s shoulders. And if you have at least three people, you can get stability while you’re stomping on the grapes. That’s the literal meaning of chug, of chag, of the circle of dancing. That’s what the circle is; it’s functional in the original context.
So, they’re saying, even though these Jews weren’t doing this as a religious act, serving God, deep inside them, something stirred them to come and serve God and dance. Now, I understand you have a different perspective. I’m just saying that it was a moving speech by that rabbi. I don’t know if it was accurate.
Joe: I’m not trying to judge anybody here. I’m not trying to judge anybody at all. I’m trying to understand world events and trying to see what’s going on. So, just for your sake, I want to show you this here. Can you see that?
Joe: Okay, so that’s right after the rockets had started. Anyway, I don’t relish sharing this part because it’s sad.
Nehemia: Yeah, they just released a report… and look, this is in December 2024. A month from now, they might have new information, and we might find out this is not correct. But what we’ve been told now is that, in the investigations, they’re claiming, or they’re saying, that the attack started… I want to say it was 6:29 in the morning or something like that, Israel time, the first rocket attacks. They’re now saying that the terrorists did not reach the Nova Festival compound until 9:10. And that there were 27 police officers; not soldiers, police, who were holding off the terrorists on the road leading into the festival compound. And they fought to the last man and died to keep the terrorists out. And as a result, the terrorists didn’t make it there until 9:10. Now, I don’t know if there was anywhere to flee, because the road was literally a battle zone. That’s what we’re being told now, that 27 police officers fought to the last man to keep the terrorists out of the Nova compound.
Joe: I went there in February last year, and I went to the actual site to see this. And it’s a road in and out, and they had both ends blocked with terrorists, and the only place you could run is either towards Gaza, where you can see the fence, or into the fields on the other side of the road. It was a death trap. If you get to go to Israel, you should take the time and go down there and see it…
Nehemia: Well, probably not when there’s rockets flying, but when there’s peace, yes, perhaps one should go there.
Joe: Yeah. Well, there were rockets still flying when I went in February.
Nehemia: Yeah. February 2024 you went, you’re saying.
Joe: Let’s get back to Trump.
Nehemia: Yes! Donald Trump, president, in the red zone there, the light red, 2025. Bad stuff’s going to happen according to your reading of Bible prophecy. What’s going to happen?
Joe: We’ve taken the gods of Egypt, and we’ve applied them… and I’m not sure how they apply, but to each one of these years, one God for each year.
Joe: And there’s 10 gods of Egypt that Yehovah destroyed in the Exodus.
Nehemia: And when you say “we,” what do you actually mean? I’m not…
Nehemia: When you say, “we have applied them”, what are you referring to?
Joe: That’s just a general, that’s like the queen’s…
Nehemia: Oh, okay. That’s the royal we for a Canadian.
Joe: Royal we, yeah. I’ve applied them to this. Some of the people in my group, we’ve discussed how they should go.
Joe: We don’t know really, but let’s just apply them one year per god and let’s see what happens.
Joe: So, the first God is Hapi or Api, the god of the Nile River’s going…
Nehemia: For 2025. You’ve heard it guys, here.
Nehemia: 2024 is the year of blood.
Joe: No, it’s flood or drought. It’s the… that this god has no control over the…
Nehemia: Is 2025 the year of frogs? I’m not trying to be funny here.
Joe: No, 2025 is the second god, Heqet. The Greek god called Hecate, Egyptian god called Heqet, which is the god of frogs.
Joe: And that’s the god of fertility and medicine.
Nehemia: What does that mean?
Joe: Donald Trump just appointed RFK to head all the medical stuff over the United States, which, okay, JFK has some good points about him.
Joe: RFK, sorry. But he also has some strange beliefs out there, too. So, the FBI is going to be dismantled, and some medical departments are going to be dismantled on day one of the Trump term. And they’re going to dismantle all these offices to look for the deep state that they believe is in there trying to get them. We’ve had a horrendous time with the manipulation of the Department of Justice by Biden going after Trump, and now Trump’s going to do the same thing going after… well, they did it after Joe Biden’s son, who just got immunity, another hypocrisy. But there is stuff happening with the Trump administration that is scaring me and the people that he’s put in charge of certain departments. And I really don’t care, I’m Canadian. The United States sneezes, we catch pneumonia. But I’m not looking at it politically. I don’t care about politics.
Nehemia: So prophetically, what’s the application here? That’s what we’re looking for on this program.
Joe: And I see the god Heqet, the god of medicine, the god of diseases, being ridiculed by Yehovah, and plagues coming everywhere. Monkey disease just entered the United States this year. There’s a new disease in Africa that’s spreading, and it has a 50% mortality rate, some worm in the eye.
We’ve stopped vaccinating people, and a lot of these diseases are coming back. And we’ve got this thing about anti-vaxxing, so that you can’t even have that conversation with people today without them going ballistic. “All these people dying because of the vax.” Really? Where are your stats? Well, there’s a few people that died because of the vax, not hundreds of millions. So, the anti-vaxxers are out there…
Nehemia: Well, my mother-in-law told me in 2020 I would be dead in two years from the vaccine.
Joe: I have a lot of brethren that said the same thing.
Nehemia: As far as I can tell, I’m not dead.
Joe: Maybe I’m talking to your ghost.
Nehemia: To the best of my knowledge. Thank you, Yehovah.
Joe: You know, I’ve got a different view on vaccines.
Joe: I believe that they are good for a purpose, but I also believe some people do die from them, so you’ve got to be careful. We don’t have smallpox anymore. We don’t have measles. Now measles is coming back because people aren’t being vaccinated. Again, I don’t care what you believe about vaccines. You can get them or not get them, that’s your choice. What I’m looking at is a second god, Heqet, and it’s going to be starting in 2025.
Nehemia: And Heqet is the god of diseases in your interpretation of…
Joe: Fertility and diseases. That’s the frog god, the second plague of frogs, and that’s the god Heqet, who is the frog god.
And then there’s a third god, I forgot what they are. But then we get down to 2028, and that’s when the Revelation 9 Apollyon coming out of the pit is supposed to take place. Each of these plagues during this cycle here also represents the seven plagues of the book of Revelation…
Nehemia: Let’s read the Apollyon verse in Revelation, just so we can tie this into…
Joe: That’s in Revelation 9; do you want me to share it?
Nehemia: I’m a text guy here. Yeah, please go ahead.
Nehemia: So, we’re looking in…
Joe: You don’t know your New Testament book that well? Come on, what’s the matter with you?
Nehemia: I can’t say I remember off the top of my head where that is, but okay, yeah. “And the fifth angel sounded…”
Nehemia: This is King James. “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth, and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.” Okay, where’s Abaddon here?
Joe: Keep going down a little bit.
Nehemia: “And they had a king over them,” verse 11, “which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” Or Apolluon, maybe, in ancient Greek, depending how you pronounce it, in Homeric Greek.
Joe: Yeah, so we go through each of the gods of Egypt, each of the 10 plagues, and we show them for each of the years during these next seven years. And then the Great Tribulation…
Nehemia: Wait. So, 2028 is the year of Abaddon, Apolluon?
Joe: Now, 2026 is when the two witnesses are supposed to start up. Again, we go back to Daniel 8, and we get the 2,300 days…
Nehemia: What do the two witnesses do in 2026, according to your understanding?
Joe: They stop all the rain.
Nehemia: They stop the rain!
Nehemia: How do they do that?
Joe: They say a prayer, and Yehovah says, “Okay.”
Joe: He stops the rain for three-and-a-half years.
Nehemia: Do you know about Choni HaMe’agel?
Nehemia: Choni HaMe’agel. Or as we used to call him growing up, Choni HaMa’agal, but that’s not grammatically correct. He was this figure who… the exact period isn’t exactly clear, but sometime in the 1st century BCE, it would seem, and his name was Choni, or in Greek it would be Onias, and HaMa’agel means “the circle maker”. The legend we’re told is that there was a great drought in Israel. And Choni drew a circle, and he made an oath, and he said, “I will not leave this circle until it rains.” And he prayed to God and asked for rain. In his prayer he said, “I’m not going to leave the circle until it rains,” and miraculously it rained.
Certainly, modern historians look at that, and it’s a legend, of course. It’s not in the Bible or anything like this. It’s in nobody’s Bible; it’s a Talmudic legend. And even Rabbinical Jews may say, “Well, that’s just a metaphor, an allegory, or something.” But modern historians look at that and say, “Wait, a circle drawer? That’s magic.” When you’re drawing a magic circle and saying, “I won’t leave this circle until something happens,” that’s definitely folk magic. Which is being kind of transported into religion, or faith, or whatever.
It’s a very strange story, because we’re told the story about what a holy rabbi… he prayed this prayer, and God answered his prayer, and we’re never told what the significance of the circle is. But anyway, that’s rain starting, not stopping.
Joe: Okay, I don’t know that story.
Joe: But I do believe… is it Revelation 11, where it says that the two witnesses are going to stop the rain for three-and-a-half years? I think.
Nehemia: Okay, let’s read that.
Nehemia: No, I’m looking for it.
Nehemia: Verse 3, “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.”
Joe: Keep going, verse 6.
Nehemia: “And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies. And if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood.” Oh, that sounds like Moses. “And to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will.” Is that it?
“And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit,” that’s Abaddon, “shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them.” Oh, that doesn’t sound good for them. Alright. Go ahead, you read it.
Joe: They’re only dead for three days, and then they pop up and go up…
Nehemia: Wait, so they’re resurrected on the third day?
Nehemia: Oh! Wait a minute; so that does end well for them. “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom in Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” Huh? “And they of the people…” Wait a minute. Isn’t that Jerusalem? Okay. “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and half, and shall not suffer their bodies to be put in graves, and they shall dwell upon the earth, and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another, because the two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.” So, they’re happy that they’re dead. “And after three days and a half,” oh, three-and-a-half, “the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them which saw them, and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, ‘Come up hither.’ And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them.”
So, there’s an ascension for the two witnesses.
Nehemia: You can read on. Go ahead.
Joe: No, that’s it. And there’s a great earthquake that happens at that time.
Nehemia: Okay, but they’re in heaven. So, the two witnesses are dead, but they’re resurrected, and they’ve ascended alive to heaven like Elijah, I guess.
Joe: And what I’m showing people is that that’s 2030.
Nehemia: So, in 2030 is when they die.
Joe: So that’s like, how many years away is that? Six years.
Nehemia: Six years from now. Well, yeah. Less than six.
Joe: So, here we have 2044, the end of the 6th millennium, the start of the 7th millennium, and I don’t care what your end time prophecy is, whether it’s Jewish, Muslim, Greek, Christian, Catholic, Anglican, Protestant… it’s all got to fit between 2024 and 2044.
Nehemia: That seems like the TLDR. It’s all going to go down by 2044. And a bunch of bad stuff there in red, guys. You saw it here.
So, Trump’s reign is going to be… there’s going to be a lot of problems under Trump, you’re saying.
Joe: Well, he’s got to… it’s not that Trump is causing the problems.
Joe: Yehovah is sending these problems because people aren’t obeying Him. It’s not Trump. It’s not Putin, not Netanyahu. It’s Yehovah. Yehovah’s sending these things because people will not obey.
Nehemia: Is there any way to avoid this?
Nehemia: Okay. You heard it here, guys.
Nehemia: Obedience is… well, it will eventually happen if the prophets are true, or if the books that you’re looking to prophetically are true. Am I right?
Joe: Yeah. Yeshua also said, “Unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved alive.” That’s why we’re looking at 2033; that’s the cutting short of these 12 years here.
Nehemia: So, wait. Something momentous good might happen in 2033, you’re saying.
Joe: Satan’s going to be locked away.
Nehemia: Okay. Oh, yeah! Apolluon will be thrown into the pit… Abaddon
Joe: King David will be here…
Joe: It says in… I think it’s Micah. It says that Yehovah will lead King David, and King David will lead Israel back to Jerusalem. I believe that’s Micah.
Nehemia: And for our Christian listeners, what will Jesus do in all this?
Joe: Ah, okay. So, do you want to go on to that? That’s a prickly porcupine.
Nehemia: Or do we have to have people read your book? I think we should leave it there as a teaser.
Joe: Don’t we want to do Trump first? We still haven’t finished Trump!
Nehemia: Oh, we haven’t done… I thought we did Trump.
Joe: Oh, did we? Okay, then that’s good enough…
Nehemia: I don’t know, maybe we didn’t. I want to get to part two, where we talk about the forbidden subject we’re not allowed to talk about on YouTube. And we’ve been going… people don’t realize this because it’s broken up into several parts, we’ve been going now for about over three hours. But let’s do this. Take two minutes to wrap up the Trump topic, and then we’ll both take a break. And then we’ll come back, and we’ll talk about the prophecy of the forbidden subject.
Joe: Okay, basically the Trump problem is, Trump’s term is going to be dealing with the plagues of Egypt being sent upon the world, and Trump’s a denier of global warming. It’s not global warming, it’s Yehovah. Yehovah’s the one heating the world. Last year was the hottest year on record; 2024 is going to be the hottest year ever again. It’s not global warming, that’s Yehovah. These are the curses coming from Him.
So, Leviticus 26, starting verse 14, describes this. That’s what it is. That’s what Trump has to deal with. It’s going to be a very bumpy ride.
Nehemia: So, you’re saying… I just want to summarize. You’re saying that global warming is real, but it’s not what’s called anthropogenic, meaning caused by a human. It’s… I don’t know what the word would be. Theopogenic? God is causing it? Is that what you’re saying?
Joe: Leviticus 26 gives you curses, and I’ve listed each of those curses out for each Jubilee or sabbatical cycle, and the fourth one and the fifth one includes plagues, drought, and famine. And we are expecting a major famine to take place during this time, in which millions and billions of people will die.
Joe: Again, I’m not looking at any particular government. I’m looking at prophecy, and I’m looking at how much time we have left. How does this all fit?
Nehemia: So, who takes over in 2029? Is it JD Vance or Michelle Obama?
Joe: Maybe Kamala will get reelected, I don’t know.
Nehemia: Nobody thinks that. But who knows? You know, we’re watching this series called History, and there’s this thing in fiction called suspension of disbelief, and my suspension of disbelief stopped around 2020, and it’s just happening anyway. We need new writers, that’s what I’m saying here. Like, what’s going on now is beyond… if somebody were trying to sell this all as a television series, nobody would believe it, but it’s happening.
Joe: It’s happening. Climate change is getting worse… it’s not climate change, it’s Yehovah. The curses are getting worse, the disasters are getting worse. Excuse me. Hurricane Helen went up to North Carolina… North Carolina, of all places, gets wiped out from a…
Nehemia: In the mountains, not just on the coast.
Joe: … a storm from the Gulf Coast. Not the Atlantic, the Gulf Coast! Now, I just drove to those mountains the year before, on those same roads, and they’re gone. They’re being built again; that’s just a rain.
Nehemia: Was this like some heavenly force thing? Like, “How dare you?”
Joe: Yeah, it’s more than “how dare you?” It’s, “You don’t want to obey Me? Okay, here’s the god of the Nile. Obey him. He can’t control the weather, the floods, or the drought. Whichever one you want, I’ll give it to you. I’ll just give it to you full bore.” I’m not speaking on behalf of God. I’m not saying “Thus says the Lord…”
Nehemia: Well, you’re interpreting His words, I think, and His actions.
Joe: We all interpret His words.
Joe: So, Nehemia, because of you…
Joe: Well, because of you, I learned about the crescent moon and the barley.
Joe: And because of that drama and making that decision for whether I’m going to keep that first Passover according to what you said, 30 days ahead of the Hillel calendar, I couldn’t believe it. Because I obeyed, Yehovah showed me the Jubilee cycles, and He showed me how to prove them. And then He showed me a whole bunch more. I’ve now got, I think, 71 sabbatical and Jubilee… no, 71…
Nehemia: And you have a book that just came out about that. What’s that book called? Is that The Stones Cry Out?
Joe: Well, The Stones Cry Out: Part 1 is the lead up to it. I have to explain how the calendar got screwed up to explain how the Jubilees got screwed up.
Joe: Book two is just about ready to be published right now. It’s in the final edits, and it goes through all the tombstones of Zoar. We’ve gone through all the tombstones of the catacombs, Western Europe, southern Germany, and Egypt, looking for these dates that prove when the sabbatical and Jubilee years are. And we’ve got them all, and they all match. It’s amazing. So, I know beyond all doubt, it’s not even a question… whoops, how do we do that? 2044 is the final last year of this 6th millennial day. 2045, we will have our Messiah ruling over us. Whoever you want to call him, King David, Yeshua, Yehovah, he’s going to be here. And that’s the message that I’m going to bring to the NRB.
Joe: That’s the message why I’m going there. We’re going to show them all this stuff. Hopefully, we can explain it in about 15 minutes, or 10 or less, instead of three hours.
Nehemia: Three-and-a-half hours, yeah. Well, I appreciate this. We’re going to continue… guys, this has been amazing, fascinating conversation. There’s a part that I’ve been waiting three-and-a-half hours to talk about that I can’t talk about on YouTube. Literally, like, we’ll be banned. Go ahead, one final thing you want to say.
Joe: What we’re about to talk about, I do have it on a secret video. I’ve also got it in a secret book that I don’t broadcast because it’s so controversial. Well, you have to watch it to understand.
Nehemia: I mean, it could cost you your life, and that’s not an exaggeration.
Nehemia: Yeah, so we’re going to talk about dangerous stuff, guys, the word of God in the Bible and history. Boy, who knew history was such a dangerous topic?
All right, guys, meet us back on for The Bible Prophecy of the Forbidden Subject.
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Daniel 9:25-27
Exodus 34:22
Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26-28
Revelation 20:2
Daniel 12
Hosea 14:2
Matthew 24; Luke 21; Mark 13
Exodus 32
Revelation 9
Daniel 8
Revelation 11
Micah 5
Leviticus 26
Prophecies of Abraham
by Joseph Dumond
Abomination That Makes Desolate-The Countdown Has Begun
by Joseph Dumond
Hebrew Voices Episodes
Hebrew Voices #95 – 2300 Days of Hell
Hebrew Voices #154 – Reaping the Benefits of the Medieval Aviv Calendar: Part 1
Support Team Study – Reaping the Benefits of the Medieval Aviv Calendar: Part 2
Hebrew Voices #153 – Sighting the New Moon in the Middle Ages
Dumond livestream
The Sabbatical and Jubilee Cycle Chart
The post Hebrew Voices #208 – Trump in Prophecy appeared first on Nehemia's Wall.