(Feel free to modify with your own words, but keeping to the Spirit of the matter.)
As your physical body comes to it's nightly rest, your dream/astral body lifts gently away, while your consciousness remains intact. You lift up higher and higher above your bed, then above your home. Higher and higher above your city, then your country. Higher higher we drift, all dreamers lifting higher and higher until we are fully outside of Earth's atmosphere looking down on it. We join our astral energy together and form a one way funnel to release the excess methane and carbon from the atmosphere into the vast vacuum of space. We feel overjoyed as the gases are easily released into space. We cast a net of protection so no space radiation can seep into the one-way tunnels funneling out the carbon and methane gases.
As the warming gases leave the planet the ice caps begin their healing process. Permafrost is restored. The oceans cool to their life affirming level that was perfect for all life on the planet. Moisture returns to the Earth at the perfect levels for the trees and plants. The extra moisture make trees and plants more resilient to fire.
The added benefit of helping the earth in healing itself, is the feeling of love that predominates the planet. The consciousness of the inhabitants of the planet raises dramatically. Human beings remember, they are not just human beings, but multi-dimensional creatures. The realization of their mission to awaken themselves spreads through the entirety of their being!
As a result, we shift to renewable and natural magnetic sources for our energy needs. Peace and love are the two most predominant emotions as a conscious choice. Everyone on the planet realizes their connection to each other, to the natural world, and to the animal kingdom. People all over the world, realize they are herbivores. Plant-based eating becomes a tasty and healthy choice. The new Consciousness embraces compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and love. Cooperation is the guide of all competitive sports, creative new ingenious physical endeavors benefitting all. The new cooperative Consciousness overtakes the planet. The arts are embraced and revenue streams are shifted to that end. Governments are filled, and replaced with highly intuitive, and intelligent human beings. An active choice is made by the collective Consciousness of the planet to put affairs of state, country and planet into the hands of those with the intelligence, compassion, and intuition to create a world sustainable for millennia to come. Species once thought extinct begin to reappear and thrive on the planet. The dreamers, poets, philosophers and artists are held in the most highest of regard. The consciousness of the planet is raised so high that everyone provides the emotional, physical, and spiritual support needed to help others lift themselves into the new state of Consciousness. Those in the field of policing find new careers. They're much happier and do not feel the need to control others anymore. The entire planet is healing itself from within. Those who have agreed to leave the Earth plane as Earth heals do so at their own convenience. The mass consciousness of the planet realizes life is a regenerative cycle. Peace on Earth is realized, as it was to be from the beginning.