Welcome to DRIFT with Victoria Designing Radiant Innovative Future Together 'You are the real deal'... more
FAQs about D.R.I.F.T WITH VICTORIA:How many episodes does D.R.I.F.T WITH VICTORIA have?The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.
July 01, 2019PRODUCTIVITY MAESTRO(80%/20% RULE)In this next quarter to achieve your goals it is not about being busy but being productive. Not all tasks are created equal. In this podcast I shared on one powerful principle of time....more12minPlay
March 06, 2019Don't Cry Foul (Intro)Life's Colour can be a journal of a beautiful journey of destiny where you see yourself as brand new,and colorful irrespective of any of Life's Grey colours. This is a propelling invitation to grasp your possibilities. What Price are you willing to pay? Are you ready to blaze? Life isn't fair,it isn't dark either but the colour you paint it to be. What's your favourite life's colour? Are you ready to paint it? Mine is a rainbow. Cheers!...more6minPlay
February 21, 2019Power of ChangeChange is constant. When it comes calling don't hold back...move! In this episode I talked on why you need to move on....more9minPlay
February 07, 2019Goal SettingIt is no hype! The importance of goal setting cannot be overemphasized. The essence of goal setting is result! There are systems that must be put in place to help you translate your goals from paper to reality....more12minPlay
January 25, 2019Power of ServiceWhat you give will always find its way back to you. The perks of service cannot be over emphasised. Every great man at one point served....more11minPlay
January 25, 2019Ep 03; Power Of serviceLives are connected to you...your life is also connected to others. How can you be of help to people? How can you be contribute to grand scheme of life. The answer is via SERVICE, there are lots of perks that come with serving other people....more12minPlay
January 17, 2019POWER OF RELATIONSHIPSCan two walk except they agree? Who you have got in you life's circle has a great role to play. You want to be great then surround yourself with great people! Do your circle motivate or drain you? Your relationship dictates to a great extent your life's success....more11minPlay
January 08, 2019EPISODE ONE POWER OF IDENTITYEPISODE ONE OF 23 THINGS I KNOW FOR SURE. Life calls you what you call yourself. Having a powerful Identity is one of the greatest power you can wield....more17minPlay
FAQs about D.R.I.F.T WITH VICTORIA:How many episodes does D.R.I.F.T WITH VICTORIA have?The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.