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By Drinking About
The podcast currently has 15 episodes available.
Is Lennon still alive? Were the Beatles DemiGods, the reincarnation of Blavatsky's Mahatmas? Did the uptight Marxist theorist Theodor Adorno write all their songs? Were they just puppets in a grand social engineering experiment by Tavistock Controllers? How could their music be so impossibly good?
In this episode, we meet with Vinnie Caggiano. Vinnie is a self-described "music theorist and forensic investigator of the music of the Beatles," working on a book, "Fragments of Infinity."
True to the style of #ConspiracyTheory (a literary genre weaponized if not invented by the CIA) we cover all kinds of crazy topics while weaving in and out of the details of Beatles music and history: Tavistock, MK-Ultra, mind-control of mass killers, free love, UFOs, Lennon's lover May Pang, meditation, Fluxus vs Situationists -- who was cooler? 60s Sufis of London, [almost nothing about Reptilians, just 1 joke], Masonic symbolism, "Is Lennon Still Alive?" Paul's death conspiracy, hidden meanings in tracks played backwards, Swinging Sixties, Dark Journalist's HotZone obsession, CorbettReport, Chris Knowles #SynchroMysticism and more... leaving us all with more questions than answers!
MK-Ultra Crystal-Powered Time Travel Chairs in Underground Bases, Multi-Worlds Theory, Bankster Global Coup, The Topic That Shall Not Be Named, Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal, & Beyond?!
Alexandra Bruce guides us down about 12 interlinking #rabbit-holes on this one, but we kept coming back around to the #MontaukMysteries. Once upon a time, Ms. Bruce was befriended by the original gang of Montauk Experiencers (for lack of a better term) -- Duncan Cameron, Peter Moon, Stuart Swerdlow -- and with their support, wound up writing the third book in the legendary Montauk series, PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT MURDER: PARALLEL UNIVERSES AND THE PHYSICS OF INSANITY. She starts off by talking about Phil Schneider, the "Underground Tunnels" lecturer, who may have been murdered. And goes on from there. "Writing that book almost drove me mad."
Alexandra has two other books, 2012: SCIENCE OR SUPERSTION, and BEYOND THE BLEEP, plus maintains the sprawling news site,
Please excuse Producer-Guy Cor for talking over our guest & playing the obnoxious drunken yahoo at the bar -- it's his (self-) designated role in the show, on top of engineering & overall Producer duties, OK?
Also in this episode, ResearchDroid @Twystor contemplates getting a pipe and smoking jacket to complete his absent-minded professorial vibes, after making various confessions re his past-life as a YAVOFT -- Yet Another Victim of French Theory :-) and his post 1998 BurningMan escapade to Santa Cruz as he tried to reassemble his cognome while under the impression that two alien star-cultures from the future were battling out the course of human history by "etherically attracting" Microsoft vs. Apple operating systems -- all under the influence of one of the other two Montauk books.
Muy piquante?! How much un-PC free-thinking can you stand? Dani Katz busts out the flamethrower, and doesn't let up. Plus covers quite a lot of esoteric & truther terrain. & we thought this would be a nice sedate discussion of semiotics vs. essentialist vs. chaos magick vs. Bernaysian schools of language, oh well.
Ms. Katz is the author of WORD UP, a former writer for LA Weekly and now a Quantum Languaging consultant... she gives workshops for those seeking to refine the unconscious unmagicks of their habitual wordings., @danikatz,
Footnote: Dani has yet to make an appearance in Jonathan Hickman's reboot of the X-Men franchise, but perhaps more importantly, is a former associate of the Evil Xzorlock, aka James Mathers, whom we hit up in a previous episode you can find somewhere on the DrinkingAbout page.
More detailed show notes will hopefully follow, after your Research Droid recovers.
Get ready to take a heady dive behind the veil.
"The Trifecta of High Strangeness: UFOs, Gnosticism and psychedelics," perfect catchphrase coined by our guest, Jack Heart. Further, Who is Jacques Vallee anyways, and why should we care?!
Meta-Tools for navigating the divergent "reality estates" of High Strangeness. Cognitive Aids. Rules of Thumb. Discernment.
How Twystor & Jack Heart met in Joshua Tree in 2017 (?). Who is Jacques Valley anyways and why should we care?! Jacques Vallee & his Ultra-Terrestrials paradigm of UFOs. UFOs as other-dimensional "cybernetic" teaching framework.
Ethnography of CITD audience - the New Agers vs. the Techie Trans-Humanists. Ascensionism. Both sides have their own End of the World eschatology. Where do psychedelicists fit into that duality - "right in the middle".
Passport to Magonia. Contact in the Desert conference. Physical Traces of UFOs. Isotopic analysis. Robert Bigelow's warehouse in Vegas. UAPs, Lue Elizondo & the DOD pseudo-quasi-Disclosure moment of 2021.
Robert Anton Wilson, Illuminatus! Trilogy, Discordianism, Hail Eris! The Curse of GrayFace (the humorless); RAW's "model agnosticism" & "reality tunnel" approach to dealing with High Strangeness and conflicting realities, Kerry Thornley & co-author Robert Shea, the breakup of the single "objective reality" epistemic assumption of 50s America, fracturing into social media reality tunnels of today, weird personal anecdotes around Scientology, Hubbard, Al Parsons/JPL, Crowley, Gnosis / Gnosticism - what was it, key features. Nag Hammadi Scrolls. "Jesus as the Mushroom" ... & some bad jokes about "Jesus Jizz".
Twystor again invokes the slur of the "only white male conspiracy theorists" (boooring!). Meant to call out the Jewish femme JFK Assassination researcher by name = MAE BRUSSELS.
How psychedelic culture came to rule the world -- or at least clubbing and youth culture, for a while. The current commercialization wave and "DeCrim Nature" strategy.
Jack's Heresies trilogy - "intelligence engineering" - what does he mean by that? Random banter towards the end.
... & finally, we salute Giorgio Hair-Guy's performance art success from the Ancient Aliens series -- but did it make it into the Final Cut?
PS -- Sorry fucked up the URL -- it's
The CIA got creative with its mad scientist schemes and projects to try to manipulate and control the human mind. They let the genie of LSD out the Sandoz lamp, and then took a hard turn into dystopian bad trip. (Cor)
Or at least, that's what we're meant to believe! (Twystor)
We were hoping to riff on a gameshow trope with the episode, but a couple panelists didn't make it. Still, it may have been the best chapter thus far. We specialize in Unknown Experts!
A couple of the key insights:
Maybe a lot of the research experiments just didn't work (Andrew).
Alternatively, what we can see in the list of 149 known subprojects may only be the stuff that DIDN'T work.
In other words, maybe they kept the stuff that DID work secret.
We review 3 out of the 149, speculating wildly. Standard earthbound conspiracy researchers will be OK with the convo until about halfway.
After that, the ET Woo kicks in. We propose that the ET Mantids harvest us two legged, three-brained beings mainly for our music.
Mathers wraps it up on a prophetic note: We are facing either an evolutionary Wall. Or else a Bottleneck, in which what comes out the other side won't look like the humans of today.
Correction: Mathers' Up the Drone show is now scheduled for Dec 1, 2021, at Corazon Gallery in Topanga CA. @wisdommathers on IG
List of 149 MKUltra Subprojects from the Book-keeping Records
MKUltra Researcher Jolyn West
The Poisoner in Chief, by Stephen Kinzer
In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks
Acid Whorehouse
Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich, by Norman Ohler
Mary Pinchot Meyer
Operation Mockingbird
DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman
Remember the TV show The Wild West? Super-advanced steampunk tech in the cowboy days?
Well, in this episode, we wrangle with the 1890s Airship Flap (pre-Flying Saucers), Charles Dellschau's recovered notebooks full of experimental airship designs and secret codes, and the Prussian secret society of NYMZA, as detailed out in Bosley's book, ORIGIN, and subsequent tomes (as well as various YT downloads by Joseph Farrell and Richard Dolan). This is the stuff that got your loyal Research Droid Twist hooked on the subject to begin with.
"Crypto-Terrestrials" come up in key moments from SHIMMERING LIGHT, an account of Father Bosley's deathbed confessions which involved flying helicopters into deep caverns to return a lost/crashed humanoid to his native hidden people.
On this outing, we got hold of Walter Bosley, a former USAF counter-intel officer and licensed P.I. (why in the world did he want to talk to people like us?). Bosley is a fun & fascinating gent, with a raft of "Alternative History" books, including the Empire of the Wheel and Secret Missions series, as well as some pulp fiction titles, all of which you can find on
Walter also has his own channel here on YT.
Finally we managed to NOT talk about The Topic That Shall Not Be Mentioned. Double negative, yep.
Subscribe & stay tuned for our Oct 19 Live Panel: MKUltra Greatest Hits, In Review!
Heuristics of the Mystics! MORE META High Weirdness -- or High Strangeness -- as you prefer!
"But if you study the logistics / And heuristics of the mystics / You will find that their minds rarely move in a line" - Brian Eno, Backwater, Before & After Science
Greg runs ("In-depth conversations on the paranormal alternating with weird music. Occasionally live on Sundays 6-8 or 8-10 PM Pacific"), has authored books, including: PROJECT BETA: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth; IT DEFIES LANGUAGE; & WEIRD CALIFORNIA.
Like lots of our chats, this is a non-linear "cafe convo" that winds all over the place, but I think we get some basic definitions down of #CharlesFort, #JohnKeel, & #JacquesVallee -- key influences in a wider & more nuanced view of the UFO phenom. Somewhere along the way, #CryptoTerrestrials may have come up, but I'm not sure we pinned down their actual hiding spot!
Electric Skateboards. The Excluded Middle. Radical Skepticism. RAW Robert Anton Wilson. Maybe Logic. Reality Tunnel. Brian Aldiss / Barefoot in the Head Charles Fort "we are somebody's farm animals" and/or social commentary re Following the Herd. What is a Fortean? JFK Assassination. Who needs to be right, anyway? Systematic skepticism. Pursuit of anomalies. Fortean philosophy vs Fortean interest. "Weird stuff." "Take everything, believe nothing, stay interested." Raining fish. * RAW: "The Segregating Whirlwind." Keeping the question open. * Moving rocks in Death Valley - that got figured out, it wasn't aliens or magic rocks. As for Bigfoot... * Explanations quickly run up against data that runs away from the explanation very quickly. Twist - Esp for UFOs! * John Keel - Mothman Prophecies. UFOs Operation Trojan Horse. Super Spectrum. "No walls in weird stuff." Keel & Vallee refused to track the phenomena into one idea, changeable as new data became available. Excluded Middle - the mag. Vallee at Contact in the Desert. Alleged traces. "Gimme your UFO goop". * Vallee - is that a salon owner? Who was JV anyways? Passport to Magonia. Faerie Faith. UFO sighting at BurningMan on mushrooms. Tricksters. "There's weird shit in the sky." * Stigma * Nextgen UFOlogists: Michael Masters Evol Biologist PhD for example. They are networking. Kuhn. Structure of Scientific Revolutions. UFOMystic. DailyGrail. Weird California. * Trevor Constable, Plasmoid Critters. They Live in the Sky. Cor's sighting. Greg's sighting in Death Valley. Shadow. Synchronicity. MUFON investigator Earl. "If there's not something that doesn't make sense in somebody's story, I believe it less." When UFOlogy "just goes away" -- when people w brains & equipment just study data. San Diego sightings. UAPs? USOs! Navy talking about it. TTSA etc. "conduit of info, Capital D DISCLOSURE!!!" Nope. Happens every few years.
What if human electrical activity was having an effect on the climate? What if Maser beams are torching forests? - Cor
"What's going on with our crazy-ass climate these days?" We know humans are mucking with the planet, but is CO2 the only or primary mechanism by which we're modifying the atmosphere/climate?
Indie researcher Ethan Clark proposes that high intensity low frequency broadcasts, mainly used for ship to shore or submarine communications, may be affecting the ozone layer, which in turn affects how much sunlight and UV reaches the surface. He has identified some striking correlations between the rapid expansion of broadcast tech and the so-called "mid-20th Century Warming Anomaly," and is building on published scientific research. Ethan is actively corresponding with various credentialed researchers to further vet this emerging hypothesis.
This novel paradigm gets into a lot of cutting edge data around new satellites (OCO, Demeter) mapping carbon sinks and sources, the changing magnetosphere, Earth/Sun magnetic and solar flare interactions...
... and at the end, Ethan even provides some speculative commentary explaining "DEWs" as "magnetospheric masers" NOT generated by humans.
Ethan's research is fully detailed out in his site, Check it. - Twist
J.J. Couey is on a crusade against "Immuno-Mythology" (of you-know-what). The Immuno-Mythology broadcast to us droids 24/7 on the MSM and regurgitated endlessly by public health authorities, "Experts," ...and even many of our friends :-(
Jay calls himself a "general biologist", and is a founding member of DRASTIC, the loose-knit group of Twitter-based researchers who brought the #LabLeak Hypothesis for SARS2 to prime-time news. (DRASTIC = for Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19). They turned up both the Mojiang Miners Thesis, and the recent EcoHealth "PREFUSE" DARPA grant that will be breaking news, tomorrow.
Jay is also a dad and a published PhD neuro-scientist, recently laid off from University of Pittsburgh due to his JJ-on-a-Bike Youtube broadcasts, where we first discovered him, in which he would break down complex virology research papers and debates while biking madly through miles of Pittsburgh traffic.
Jay's almost daily livestreams at are mandatory viewing for anybody who really wants to understand what is going on. Usually starting at 18:40 CST. You can also get more in-depth info from his main site, -- "Cutting Edge Biology for All." A recent paper calling for a pause in vaccinations can be found at the above site. @jjcouey on Twitter, and be sure to follow the various other members of #DRASTIC there too!
Go Jay Go!
The podcast currently has 15 episodes available.