What a week in the crypto world. AERdrop has a few smaller drops and one big drop in NoIDEA. We saw the community come forward with a great idea by trying to "Drop Fiddy" on AERDROP.
This lead to many different people dropping an extra $50 USD towards AERdrop and the chart saw some amount of green because of it.
One of my favorite parts of this week was getting to have a voice chat with Sasha from the ClearMoon Network. It was less of an interview and more of a chat about the crypto industry as a whole. Sasha views the crypto industry as somewhat of the wild west and wants ClearMoon to be the place you look for security and education. A safe space of crypto.
There were 2 smaller drops this week with SPCA being AERdropped right after launch and TreeTopToken being a part of an experimental project called Fiddypalooza.
NoIdea was a more traditional drop and wow I am perplexed by their branding. They have a whole maze of mystery for you to navigate. Look for those mysterious binary dots:
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
― Ferris Bueller
**This is NOT financial advice. I barely can log on to my computer without it crashing so I can't imagine why you should listen to me or base your buys or sells of crypto or anything else on something I say. I am not affiliated with AERDROP in any official capacity (I do run their AMA's)***