Join Robby, Eric and Matt as they venture into the world of Forgotify. This week Matt takes us to the land of his childhood; we learn all about the culture and idiosyncrasies of the people of Long Island as we listen to the single, “Long Island Girl I Am” by Below 14th Street: Pop3 (2:53). Next Eric introduces us to the striking, pop single, “Going Home” by the Norwegian artist, eroTicora (15:25). Finally, Robby introduces us to the artful, alternative rock, Danish band, No and the Maybes (what a great band name!). We listen to their track, “Soldier” off of their self titled album, No and the Maybes (24:35). Finally, find out what we listened to this week! (34:48). Stay tuned at the end of the episode and listen to us get off topic as we talk about the continual raising of the instrumental skill ceiling. Thanks for listening!