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Let's talk about the prospective cabinet!
After a resounding defeat, it's time to talk about how the Democratic party put zero effort into an election and thought they had it won.
'Salem's Lot, one of the most important King novels in his library, gets terribly dissected by the team. Also, we lost audio at the end. Sorry.
Aaron and J.M. do their best to derail Cody from talking about the election and Arnold Palmer's giant dick.
A nice chat between J.M. and Aaron about food, coffee, and state elections.
Some post-debate commentary, jokes about Mark Robinson, music talk at the end.
Post-debate, recording on 9/11. Let's see where this goes.
Another regional music exclusive with Cody and J.M. Enjoy our very specific taste in country music.
What would a WWII Star Wars look like? What about a traditional Japanese Jurassic Park tattoo? All this and more in this week's episode.
We're excited, we're rejuvenated, we're balz to the walz for Tim Walz. Plus, lots of other random shit.
The podcast currently has 156 episodes available.