With a specific leading from the Lord in 1974, Don and Katie Fortune first began learning about and researching the motivational gifts described in Romans 12:6-8. Through an intense study of the Scriptures and extensive observation of the gifts in action throughout people’s lives, they gained a broad perspective of these God-given gifts and how they shape each person’s personality, view of and response to everything in life.
Twelve years of continued research and testing led to the writing of their three books, Discover Your God-Given Gifts, Discover Your Children’s Gifts, and Discover Your Spouse’s Gifts, with accompanying workbooks and assessment tools. Through their organization, Heart to Heart International Ministries, Don and Katie have presented their seminars more than 2000 times across the nation and in 38 nations of the world. They have found that the biblically based teachings of the motivational gifts apply to all people, of all ages, regardless of nationality, culture or language.