For PM professionals who understand about Project Management standard from Project Management Institute, Project Management approach can be applied in any industries with special adjustment for sure.
With broad of PM understanding, Dcolearning team got questions time to time from professional in any industries/ sectors, does pm can be used in my work?
Thus in this chance, we are lucky to have pak wahono kolopaking, a practitioner, senior program manager in NGO (Non Governmental Organization). As one of alumny, he will share his experience and opinion ablut pm application in his sector nowdays. Enjoy and hope it will be useful for listeners ! We are inviting you all to give us feedbacks and inputs or more questions where we can incorporate in our future videos. Let us know your thoughts and send your email to dynamictalk We are also inviting you all to subscribe to our Official YouTube Channel at Hosts: Noviani Widya Sari, Beby Lokita Salsabila, Guest: Wahono Kolopaking About Dcolearning-ATV Dcolearning-Accoladia Tri Vesta (Dcolearning-ATV) is a Registered Education Provider of Project Management Institute (PMI), specializes in project management professional development programs. Their programs are using Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) issued by PMI. This guide is globally accepted standard in project management. For more information please visit