I Can Do with Benjamin Lee

E260: John Lumgair on Animation, Jazz Cow, Well-Being and Life

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John Lumgair was one of the original founders of Quirky Motion (an ideas based video production company located in London). He has been involved in the production and direction of numerous projects from Music Videos to campaign videos, as well as a number of short film projects.

He has also worked as 2D animator, compositor, matte painter and illustrator. His work has been used by Broadcasters, ThinkTanks, Record Labels, and Charities. 
He loves coming up with visual ideas, finding beautiful ways to tell stories and generally having fun and being a bit silly.

John and the team are launching an animated sitcom on Kickstarter later this year. You can check out the concept at http://JazzCow.co.uk The story revolves around a group of misfits led by a Jazz-playing Cow, who leads a resistance movement to algorithms.

You can find him at https://quirkymotion.com/project/quirky-motion-visual-effects


In this episode we talk about animation, well-being, the impact of social media, John's new project the Jazz-Cow and you can support it, books, and more.

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I Can Do with Benjamin LeeBy Benjamin Lee

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