In the only episode the guys will be dropping this month, Eli puts his cards on the table and admits that even after talking about it for the better part of a half-hour last episode he still doesn't understand what Tony's new job is. It's only when Tony puts it in terms of Mad Men that the wheels (or, rather should we say, the carousel) start turning for Eli.
Beyond that, the guys hot wash the recent tragedy at a recent ultramarathon in mountainous terrain in Gansou Province, China, in which 21 participants lost their lives. While details are still emerging, the guys come to the conclusion that, with the rapid explosion of endurance sports in China, and the ever-more extreme ultramarathon scene, that a disaster like this in China wasn't a matter of if, but when. But they also agree that even with the best risk mitigation, all races come with inherent risks, and acknowledging them is important to putting on safe events.
In happier news, Tony and Eli discuss the return of the New York City Marathon this November, and how it and other large-scale events looks will look different than before this fall. This discussion inevitably leads to a discussion of their running over/under bets on events this year, which is currently looking like it could be very close.
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