THE MENDING THE HOOP weekly Council convenes as Co-Hosts, Seava B. Gardner (Essene Tribal Name)/aka Lisa J. Wolf-Wright, Chairwoman, WBN/HoME NOW! Garden and Chief Geronimo Thomas Langenderfer of the Mendocino Nation lead the first hour on the Geronimo Hemp Plan and updates from Councillors on their work Mending the Sacred Hoop.
The 2nd Hour, Grandmothers Marge Grow-Eppard & Seava lead a Healing from Ancestral Trauma & Lateral Violence Circle and expose the dark world of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women with an emphasis on finding our way back to wholeness from unspeakable horrors which need to be brought to light to heal.
Listen to last Saturday's program:
Many guests have been invited to be regular Councillors including: Winona LaDuke, Alex WhitePlume, Bill Record (Medicine Bear), Christopher Hulliger; Payu Harris, Dana Dudley, Martin Smith, Bobby Knife Robideaux, Jana Dixon, Robert Sov American, Azul Vivienne, Devra Resendiz, Paula Rooks, Chief Phil Lane, Eagle Eye Man, Bear Dyken, Nancy Collins, Dorothy SunBear, Paula & Arvol Lookinghorse, George Munro, Bruce Perlowin, Mike Whalen, Steffen Rowe, Kimberly Goguen.
ALL GUESTS ARE SOLUTION BEARERS: Each carries an 'arrow' of healing & wisdom for the Healing of the Earth and Mending of the Sacred Hoop and are key to fulfilling the Positive Prophecies of these 7th and 8th Generation Times.
7th+ Generation youth join your Elders as equals. Unify. Sober Times are Here. Bring your Gifts and Lay them at the feet of Grandfather Sky and Mother Earth, Unci Maca. Our circle is dedicated to Wankantanka, Great Spirit.
We will also give receive updates on freeing federal prisoners such as Leonard Peltier & Russ Landers.