If you have a 457 deferred comp account, you may be wondering how much you're paying in fees inside of your 457 retirement plan. Don breaks down the different fees inside of a 457 deferred comp and how you can uncover hidden fees inside of your plan.
Whether you have a state 457 deferred comp or another government 457 deferred comp -- It's important to understand what fees you are paying and whether or not there are any hidden fees.
Every deferred comp plan is different -- police 457 deferred comp, firefighter 457 deferred comp, government 457 deferred comp, teacher 457 deferred comp, state 457 deferred compensation plan -- it all depends on your agency and their purchasing power, or what your government union has negotiated for your 457 deferred comp.
Would you like to review your 457 deferred comp plan? Visit our website to learn more: https://andersretirement.com/