Accidental Experts with Bryce Hamilton

Eating Disorder Awareness with Abby Brown

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Outpatient therapist at Bellatore Eating Disorder Recovery, Abby Brown MA, LPC (KS), LCMHC-A (NC), sits down with Bryce Hamilton LCSW to discuss eating disorders, what they are, what constitutes an eating disorder, and how/why they happen.

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Abby discusses ways we can help heal our bodies after eating disorders in terms of what specific nutrients the body may need and things to be mindful of.

Together Bryce and Abby talk about how to model healthy thinking around food and our bodies and how to encourage healthy eating without contributing to eating disorder behavior or thinking.

They discuss signs of eating disorders to watch for and how to approach children and start a conversation when you observe signs of disordered eating.

Check out our video chat here!

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Abby Brown MA, LPC (KS), LCMHC-A (NC) is a therapist at Bellatore Recovery 

For additional resources on Eating Disorder treatment and recovery please check out:
National Eating Disorders Association- NEDA

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