From the rashes and scratches of the fallen economoney, rising like a burnt dog out the boot of me mam's Vauxhall Nova comes Echoes from the Sky_cloud_9_up_your_mind_eyE_
I went to see The Locust and before all that Lycra and heart blasts woz DJ URINE cuttin up a tower of vinyl and metal hub caps, Mr Stylus loves this chap, he kept me mind on shudder, halt, shudder, bleep, bleep...see how you feel after this...
Now I don't say this often and actually I can't even remember what I say often apart from "Yes Boss, 3 bags full boss" hahaha but THE ROLLING SCABS have the best name in rock n roll and if you woz doing this aged 13 you'd be the bestest late 30's chap living down my road, oh I forgot I fronted my first band The Boogie Brothers aged 10..hahaha I win....
This next up lot were sposed to be on an Echoes podcast a while back but me vs the computer meant I LOST but now I been working out on me Crunchie bars and broke Bill Gates fake Tron arm so I can finally give you, SHRAG
T.I.T.S up next, one thing I know about this lot is they darn hard to google hahahaha so I mek it eazy on you now, so no excuses for "acciDENTly" swingin by the imdb site of 'Oranges are not the only fruit' haha, come follow me
Staying with the Upset the Rhythm label and catching these Baltimore backdrafts down at Bardens was a treat, I not been at such a divided gig since Moses played the 02 hahahahahahahah urp hahahahaha but some people hated this but me and Cleckhuddersfax Tom stood tall (and some others, it wern a 2 to 3 gig haha) split your mind on FUTURE ISLANDS as well....
lez finish up gettin out the translator, now thats how to end a frigggin party right? "eh un cool lay whort wuz yor sayin for the larst 4 how-wurs?"....2PACISDEAD come out of France and tickle your armpits in 55 seconds...p.s don't wanna be the bringer of dooom but Biggie's chompin on the wiggly worms too... BRURP!