Where do you find hope in a hopeless world? How do we prepare for our next trial? Pastor Caleb Phelps says the answer lies in Peter's first letter to the Jews, scattered and fleeing Roman persecution after 70 A.D. Peter is kind of like the Job of the new testament. He's encouraging believers to continue steadfastly in their pursuit of God in the midst of their despair. If I have joy in trials, then in the midst of the trial, the trial proves the genuineness of my faith, and the more trials that I have, if I'm trusting God, you begin to see less of me and more of my savior reflected in my life. And that's the purpose of trials. So, how can we be better prepared to honor God, grow in Christ-likeness, and make it so others see more of Christ and less of you and me? The answers lie in the book of 1 Peter. Welcome to Echoes of Faith, a podcast about God working in our lives today and how His Word impacts our future. In this episode we continue our conversation with our guest Caleb Phelps, pastor of Faith Baptist Palm Bay. I’m Tom Wells, still guest hosting. This podcast concludes our discussion on Caleb's 19 part, six month sermon series on the book of 1 Peter. If you missed that discussion, go listen to episode 8, the one just before this one. We also talk with Caleb about his ongoing Sunday night sermon series on systematic theology and his current Sunday morning series on Ecclesiastes. So Caleb, last time we closed by talking about how Peter encourages us as believers to be of one mind. You were telling us how that is sometimes difficult for Christ followers. We can agree on the most important things in life, about the gospel, about the Bible, and yet we can get so angry over a secondary or even unimportant issue that we become our own worst enemies. How do you practically agree with the people you agree with most, when there's something you disagree about.