The Wake County DLCs exist to support schools, staff, and students with digital learning design and execution. The list below highlights some of the most requested areas of support. Contact your DLCs today to schedule a consultation to determine how the DLCs can collaborate with your school, staff, and students.
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🏫 DLCs Support School Leaders and School Based Teams by:
Supporting the Canvas Implementation Plan and Canvas Crews.
Provide Canvas Kick Off Presentation : Fun & Functional Features of Canvas.
Assisting with visioning and the inclusion of blended learning into school based plans.
Sharing the DLC newsletter with Instructional Facilitators and School Library Media Specialists.
Maintaining the DLC website that houses the podcast, blog, newsletter, digital resources and more.
Providing District level online and face-to-face courses for digital learning credit through Wake Learns.
Providing guidance to teachers and the MTAC in choosing digital tools and resources for learning.