Edge of NFT co-hosts Eathan Janney and Josh Kriger had the privilege of attending the Praise launch party in Los Angeles, California on Friday, October 8, 2021. We got the chance to have some impromptu conversations with some incredible influencers and leaders in the NFT space. In Part 2 of this two-part series we'll focus on some projects with a social impact component or a focus on social change. In this episode, you'll hear from Mike Angel, who's working with Mike Tyson, as well as with Culture Shock Galleries to uplift artists in developing countries. You'll hear from Gavin Mayo, an ambitious young investor, and entrepreneur who is helping to onboard others in his generation into crypto and NFTs. We had a great convo with William Tong Of Origin Protocol & Kyle Schember Of Subtractive. They talked about the cool space-age projects they have been involved with and the generous work they've done, including raising funds for St. Jude. Finally, we wrap up the session talking with Nicole Buffett. She's one of Fortune Magazine's top NFT influencers and also a great soul with lots of plans to change our world for the better. In fact, we later teamed up with her for our Spirit Seeds NFTs, celebrating digital art as a new form of currency (https://www.spiritseeds.xyz). It was a wonderful whirlwind of an opportunity to have attended this event. Listen in as we capture the energy and excitement and fun that permeated this party.