In this episode of 'Educate to Self Regulate', Shyam and Rory share their musings on the current debate on the Science of Learning (SoL). In this fireside chat, the duo explore the multifaceted nature of the SoL, discussing not only cognitive strategies, but motivational and metacogntive aspects too. Together, Shy and Rory consider that it may be restrictive to view the Science of Learning through a narrow lens, while sharing ideas about how educators can adopt a holistic view of this field to bring about benefits for learners.
In this episode, you can expect to learn:
✔️ How the science of learning encompasses cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and emotional elements.
✔️The importance of a holistic approach to teaching and learning, and
✔️Instructional strategies for teachers that teachers can use to have the greatest impact in their classroom.
Episode References:
Weinstein, Y., Madan, C.R. & Sumeracki, M.A. (2018) Teaching the science of learning. Cognitive Research Principles and Applications 3, 2.
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