The time of our life where learning moments are the densest happen before we are 4 years old. How parents relate to and respond to their kids will have lifelong repercussions for the future adult. By the age of 40 months, children who will be aggressive later will have declared themselves. Our system as it is designed now, waits until the problems are well established before stepping up in a big way with funds. This is not very economical, especially given the tools exist to identify challenges early enough to prevent major and very difficult-to-reverse patterns. Childhood experiences are now shown to have lifelong epigenetic effects in the adult brain, affecting certain chronic potentially preventable health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cognitive aging and mental health issues. The key lies in not only in early identification, but investing in addressing the root of the problem. The return on investment in prevention, over the individual’s next 75 years will be well worth it, for all Canadians!