This summer I had the pleasure of teaching a podcasting camp at the Westwood Baptist Church. This year’s camp theme is Wise, creative, innovative thinkers, and Minister Elois Freeman, the last guest on the podcast, thought that podcasting could be a great medium for students to express their wisdom, creativity, and ingenuity. In this episode, you will hear middle schoolers talk candidly about their experiences in school and their suggestions for making school a better place.
Part 1: A Tale of Two Middle Schools
Part 2: What Our Kids Think and Understand About Race and Discipline in Schools
Part 3: The Ideal School
Part 4: I Wish My Teacher Knew
Here are a few suggestions for ways to get involved in helping make our schools better places for kids.
- Gideon’s Army
- Attend the Nashville Ed Chat book discussion of Part 2 of Making the Unequal Metropolis on July 28
- Local PTO's and church and community organizations (there are too many to list!)
Additional links shared by Minister Elois Freeman:
- Inspirational Spoken Word by Prince ea "I Just Sued the School System"
- The consciousness gap in education - an equity imperative | Dorinda Carter Andrews | TEDxLansingED In this talk, Dorinda Carter Andrews challenges us to consider how gaps in critical consciousness and mindsets for adults and students in schools prevent us from providing equitable schooling experiences for all students. Specifically, Carter Andrews urges educators to consider how increased critical consciousness about the role of race and culture in teaching and learning can be fostered through educator professional development and student curriculum and can ultimately strengthen teacher-student relationships.
- Excerpt of book, Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do About It by Richard Reeves, Brookings Institution Press, 2017. The American dream is of a decent home in a pleasant neighborhood, good schools for our kids, a steadily rising income, and enough money put aside for an enjoyable retirement. It is about sustaining a strong family and seeing your children off to a good college. It has become a staple of politicians to declare the American dream dying or dead. But it is not dead. It is alive and well; but it is being hoarded by those of us in the upper middle class. The question is: Will we share it?
Music used in this episode:
Artist: Lee Rosevere
Title: I'm Going for a Coffee
Album: Music for Podcasts 3
Artist: Lee Rosevere
Title: Puzzle Pieces
Album: Music for Podcasts 2
Artist: Lee Rosevere Title: The Secret to Growing Up Album: Music for Podcasts 3 Link: Artist: Lee Rosevere Title: Southside Album: Music for Podcasts 4 Link:
Artist: Lee Rosevere Title: Try Anything Once Album: Music for Podcasts 2 Link:
Artist: Lee Rosevere Title: Sad Marimba Planet Album: Music for Podcasts 4 Link:
Artist: Lee Rosevere
Title: Betrayal
Album: Music for Podcasts 5
Artist: Lee Rosevere
Title: We're Almost There
Album: Hold Music