Race and racism have always been hot button issues in our society, but recent events have really seemed to push these topics to the forefront of everyone’s mind, including our youth.
Discussing the topics of race and racism can be complicated, but it is always necessary. So how does a parent properly and effectively begin and continue this discussion with their child or children?
Dr. Jay Marks, Oakland Schools’ Diversity and Equity Consultant
Dr. Ashelin Currie, Oakland Schools’ Literacy Consultant
Jianna Taylor, English Language Arts, Multi-tiered Systems of Support and School Improvement Coordinator for k-12 in West Bloomfield School District
Sonja James, Principal at Sheiko Elementary School In West Bloomfield School District
Both are also co-chairs of West Bloomfield School District’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion committee
Oakland Schools
Dr. Jay Marks and Dr. Ashelin Currie Powerpoint Presentation on How to Talk to Your Kids about Race, Racism and Anti-racism
The Talk Video
Freedom Reads: Anti-Bias Book Talk
Culturally Responsive Sustaining Curriculum ScoreCard
All the Colors We Are: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color by Kate Kissinger
A is For All the Things You Are: A Joyful ABC Book by Anna Forgerson Hindley
Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness: Anastasia Higginbotham
This is You Brain on Stereotypes: How Science is Tackling Unconscious Bias by Tanya Lloyd Kyi
The Talk by Wade and Cheryl Hudson
We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices by Wade and Cheryl Hudson
The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person by Frederick Joseph
Host: Oakland Schools' Communications Specialist Sarah Davis
Producer: Oakland Schools' Media Production and Distance Learning Manager Mark Hansen