Wellbeing Wanders - Botanic Park
"Challenges and Choices" Man Manual - eBook PDF
Saturday 19th June this year has been dedicated as men’s health ‘Pledge Day’. On this day, everyone is asked to:
Think about what thing (or things) they might do that could make a difference to their own, or someone else’s health and wellbeing.
Make a pledge for change to themselves, and commit to action.
If they’re up for it, tell others about their plans, and use the hashtag #MensHealthWeek with any social media posts / uploads / video clips / images. Pledges can be as simple or complex as you like.
For example, I’m going to:
walk-and-talk with my kids at least once a week;
use the stairs to my office rather than take the lift;
only have chips once a week from now on;
avoid having a drink, except on a Saturday;
seek support to help me stop smoking;
organise a regular kick-about for the lads at lunch break;
encourage my partner to check out that lump that’s been bothering him;
offer free men’s health checks to users of our pharmacy;
produce a men’s health leaflet for my employees;
display a list of helplines / support services for men on the canteen noticeboard;
don’t bottle things up in future;
finally make time to go for a health MOT / NCT …