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2021 3月份我们开始筹备Ee学就慧podcast 从4月份面世到11月
感谢一路来陪伴支持的听众和帮忙宣传的朋友们! 💕
最后,跟各位说声 再见了
Having started our podcast Ee学就会back in March of 2021, it has been 8 months since we have accompanied you on your journey.It's sad to say that both of us will be leaving and saying goodbye to each other 🥺
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to save/ pre-record the rest of our podcast and thus it must come to an end. It is with great sorrow that we need to say good-bye to our supportive audience.
Hence, this will be the final episode of our podcast, with no specific topic but sharing our experiences instead! Apart from thanking our listeners for their support over the past 8 months, we hope this podcast series has provided some insight and wish you all the best in your future endeavors! 🌈✨
This is a real goodbye now. Till we meet again 🤙❤️
儿科系列156| MSK Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 🦴
这个星期与大家一起讨论儿科JIA 的几个重要知识点,这里也给大家整理了几个快问快答的重点:
1️⃣ what is JIA? 什么是JIA?
2️⃣ what are the manifestation? JIA的相关症状/病发时的特征?
3️⃣ how to differentiate JIA from other joints pain disease? 怎么区分JIA和其他关节性疾病?
4️⃣ how to diagnose JIA? 怎么诊断JIA?
5️⃣ how to treat JIA? 怎么治疗JIA?
6️⃣ what’s the complications of JIA? JIA有什么后遗症?
👉希望大家通过这一期的podcast 会对JIA有更多的了解‼️
🔔别忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!💖
✅ Remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any questions ! Stay home & stay safe guys! 💖
👶儿科系列15| MSK 败血性关节炎 Septic Arthritis 🦴败血性关节炎
这个星期与大家一起讨论儿科Septic Arthritis 的几个知识点,这里也给大家整理了几个long case的重点:
1️⃣ history taking and relevant physical examination 相关的病史询问和身体检查
2️⃣ differential diagnosis of septic arthritis 败血性关节炎败血性关节败血性关节炎的鉴别诊断
3️⃣ investigations for septic arthritis 诊断败血性关节炎的例行检查
4️⃣ how to approach septic arthritis 怎么有效治疗败血性关节炎
5️⃣ take home messages for septic arthritis 败血性关节炎的注意事项
🔔别忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!💖
👉 septic arthritis is an emergent condition which require immediate attention and treatment. Therefore, it is vital to know the relevant symptoms of septic arthritis and getting it treated ASAP!!
✅ Remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any questions ! 💖
🧒儿科系列14| MSK Juvenile SLE 儿科红斑狼疮症 🧠
1️⃣ what is SLE? 红斑狼疮症是什么?
2️⃣ what is the epidemiology for SLE in children?
3️⃣ how does SLE present in children?
4️⃣ how do we investigate & diagnose SLE?
5️⃣general advice for parents who have children with SLE
6️⃣ any special management for SLE?
👉以前一直不清楚小儿红斑狼疮症是怎样的,现在总算是了解了🤩也希望大家听了这一期的podcast 会对SLE 有更多的了解哦‼️
✅ 别忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!
👉 Hope y’all do have a clearer picture after listening to this episode! (I used to get confuse about juvenile SLE before doing this podcast 😆)
✅ Also, remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any questions ! Stay home & stay safe guys! 😊💕男女必看!希望你知道但永远用不上!男孩看完转发给身边的女孩们。很多时候,危险时刻懂得自救很重要!🧒儿科系列14| MSK Juvenile SLE 儿科红斑狼疮症 🧠
1️⃣ what is SLE? 红斑狼疮症是什么?
2️⃣ what is the epidemiology for SLE in children?
3️⃣ how does SLE present in children?
4️⃣ how do we investigate & diagnose SLE?
5️⃣general advice for parents who have children with SLE
6️⃣ any special management for SLE?
👉以前一直不清楚小儿红斑狼疮症是怎样的,现在总算是了解了🤩也希望大家听了这一期的podcast 会对SLE 有更多的了解哦‼️
✅ 别忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!
👉 Hope y’all do have a clearer picture after listening to this episode! (I used to get confuse about juvenile SLE before doing this podcast 😆)
✅ Also, remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any questions ! Stay home & stay safe guys! 😊💕男女必看!希望你知道但永远用不上!男孩看完转发给身边的女孩们。很多时候,危险时刻懂得自救很重要!
👶儿科系列13| Musculoskeletal Osteomyelitis 儿科骨髓炎 🦴
👉 这里也给大家整理了我们long case讨论的几个重点:
1️⃣ Case discussion about presentation of osteomyelitis
2️⃣ Differential diagnosis for joint pain in children
3️⃣ How to differentiate between toxic synovitis, septic arthritis and osteomyelitis
4️⃣ Physical examination required to diagnose osteomyelitis
5️⃣ Investigations needed to diagnose osteomyelitis (with imaging of modality)
诊断骨髓炎需要的常规检查 + 影像诊断
6️⃣ Treatment of osteomyelitis
👉 在MSK system里,掌握好physical examination 真的很重要;因为当病人有疼痛/行动上有限制时就说明摸个关节/肌肉出了问题;需要医生的重视!😲
✅ 所以大家一定要多练习怎么做MSK的检查;也要多练习相关的history taking 哦!也希望这一期的podcast 能让大家更了解 osteomyelitis 这个单元!
别忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!👋❤️
❗️It is important to comprehend the skills of physical examination in the MSK system as a red flag in physical examinations should raise concerns of the doctors.
✅ Therefore, it is advisable to practice on MSK skills as well as the history taking template for MSK! Hope you learn more about osteomyelitis from this podcast remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! 🥰❤️
👉 Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any enquiries! 👋
🧒儿科系列12| Neurology Migraine 儿科神经内科偏头痛 🧠
1️⃣ how common is migraine in children
2️⃣ what are the differential for headache in children
3️⃣ how does migraine present in children
4️⃣ how do we diagnose migraine
5️⃣acute management of migraine
6️⃣ prevention of migraine
👉学姐在做这个 migraine 的topic时也不知道原来偏头痛在儿童之间是那么的普遍 😂 而了解到偏头痛真的很重要;因为一旦发作它会影响到患者一整天的生活质量 🥺 那大家听了这一期的podcast 后也要更深入地去读去了解这个课题哦‼️
✅ 也别忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!Stay home, stay safe!
👉We’re not aware that migraines can be so common among children prior to this episode 😂I It is vital for healthcare professional to manage migraine appropriately as migraines can be very disturbing and it diabled patients in many ways too. So, do remember to explore more on these topics when you revise on Neurology! 👍👍
✅ Also, remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any enquiries! Stay home & stay safe guys! 💕
🧒儿科系列11| Neurology Meningitis 儿科神经科脑膜炎 🧠
👉 这个星期与大家一起讨论 Meningitis 的知识点,这里也给大家整理了几个我们讨论的重点:
1️⃣ History & symptoms of meningitis in young infants
2️⃣ Investigations for meningitis
3️⃣ Contraindications for lumbar puncture
4️⃣ Interpreting CSF results to differentiate viral vs bacterial meningitis
5️⃣ Treatment for bacterial meningitis and role for steroids in treating meningitis?
❗️记得参考各自医院的抗生素指南哦!Again please refer to the local antibiotics guidelines about the antibiotic treatment
‼️更正口误:dexamethasone 只有一个用处,没有2个哦! (there’s only one indication for dexamethasone in treating meningitis )
⚠️ Meningitis 无论是成人还是小孩都是很重要的一个课题。这个星期的long case 也给大家整理了几个重点。但大家还是要更深入地去读去了解这个课题哦!😍 也不要忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!💕
Stay home, stay safe! 也希望我们国家疫情快点好转,生活慢慢回到正轨 💪
⚠️ This week we will be discussing meningitis, an important topic in neurology (either adults/ paeds) So, do remember to explore these topics when you do your revision for Neurology! 👍 Remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any enquiries! Stay home, stay safe guys! 💪💕
👶 儿科系列10| Neurology Epilepsy & Seizures 儿科神经科癫痫快问快答
这个星期与大家一起讨论 epilepsy 和seizures 的知识点,这里也给大家整理了几个快问快答的问题:
1️⃣ What is the difference between epilepsy & seizures?
2️⃣ What are the causes of epilepsy in different age groups?
3️⃣ Classification of seizures
4️⃣ Absence seizures
5️⃣ When to refer to paediatric neurologists
⚠️ 更正:generalised seizure 都是属于impaired awareness 的哦!并无区分impaired awareness/ aware哦! (学姐一时口误🤭😆)
👉 这个星期给大家整理了epilepsy和seizures 的快问快答!这两个课题在neurology 单元里很重要!而这次的快问快答也是想给大家多一些了解!希望这一次的分享对大家有用哦!☺️ 也不要忘了追踪我们的spotify 和IG 频道!有任何问题都欢迎私信/留言询问!大家一起stay home, stay safe! ❤️
👉 This week we are focusing on epilepsy & seizures, both are very vital topics in Neurology. So, do remember to explore these topics when you do your revision for this particular topic! ✅ Remember to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram! Feel free to DM/ comment to let us know if you have any enquiries! Stay home, stay safe! ❤️
这个星期我们回到了全新一期的神经儿童内科(Neurology) 系列!👶 🤒 这期的long case 我们将与大家一起讨论相当常见的febrile seizure (热性痉挛)。先知道更多关于热性痉挛的资讯就赶紧听听吧!😍👍
We are back to a long case discussion this week! And we are starting off with the neurology topic “Febrile Seizure”. It is not uncommon to be seen in the paediatric so let’s start listening to our podcast now!
1️⃣ Focused history on Febrile Seizures
2️⃣ Physical Examination of Febrile Seizures
3️⃣ Investigations needed for febrile seizures
4️⃣ Febrile seizure first aid counseling
小儿心脏科之快问快答系列!儿科系列8| Cardiology 儿科急性风湿热快问快答 🫀
7月的第四个星期跟大家一起讨论有关于 Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) 🫀的知识点,这里也给大家率先整理了以下5个快问快答的问题!
1️⃣ Causative agent for Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF)
2️⃣ What other diseases can be caused by streptococcus pyogenes?
streptococcus pyogenes还能导致其他什么疾病?
3️⃣ Diagnostic criteria of acute rheumatic fever ?
4️⃣ What are the treatment of ARF?
5️⃣ What is the prophylaxis for ARF?
有任何我们没有涵盖到的知识点都欢迎与我们分享!Stay home, stay safe! 🥰💕
Remember to subscribe and listen to our podcast during your free time! 🤩 Also, feel free to drop us a DM/ comment if you have any enquiries!
Hope you learn something from this episode and stay safe in this pandemic! ❤️
The podcast currently has 17 episodes available.